- Prevent Pregnancy/Sterility
- Promote Pregnancy/Virility
- End Pregnancy
- Safe Birth
- Arouse
Life and Healing
- Heal Wounds
- Analyze Health
- Increase Healing
- Cure Poison
- Cure Disease
- Cure Blindness, Deafness, Paralysis
- Darken
- Cloak of Shadows
- Sleep
- Armor
- Evasion
- Reactions
- Spirit Ward
- Ceaseless Vigilance
- Safe Campsite
- Steadfast
- Find Way - You can sense the direction and approximate distance to someone or something.
- Divine Past - You can see what happened in the past at your current location.
- Visions - Duration is the time it takes to cast spell. You spend the casting time concentrating on a particular person, place, or object with a question in mind. Success means you know part of the answer to this question, the higher the spell roll, the more information is gained. With a fumble, you will "know" false answers to the question. If the object/person/place is not with you, take a -5 penalty to your roll.
- Language - The target of the spell can speak and understand all languages. If the target is literate, he may also read and write any language. This does not allow the target to understand coded messages.