Coastal Trader
This is a small ship that was used for trading, smuggling and privateering. This ship type include a vareity of ship classes, but in genral they are all similar. They are shallow draft, small, and not very seaworthy.
Chasse-marée A French, especially Breton, merchant coastal vessel for fishing, smuggling, and privateering. Usually rigged as a lugger. Many were around 50ft with two masts, but privateers were often larger, and some, especially in naval use, had three masts.
Lugger A merchant rig, typically fishing vessels but also (since they sailed very close to the wind) smugglers and privateers. Luggers had two masts in two sections with only the topmast abaft the masthead, a horizontal bowsprit, and often (very far aft) a third mast, the jigger. Lug-sails were four-sided, with the head two-thirds the length of the foot, bent on a yard which hung obliquely to the mast, as a third of its length.
- Crew - 5-20 men (average - 10)
- Passangers - 5
- Speed (Knots) - 10
- Max Guns - 6 (3 broadside)
- Max gun size - 4 lbs
- Hull Points - 100
- Cargo - 25 ton
- Length - 40 ft
- Draft - 5 ft
- Manuever - 8
- Masts - 2