Klavier the Clever
Klavier the Clever
A character from the Fear and Darkness Campaign.
Class: Magic User
- Strength: 9
- Intelligence: 15
- Wisdom: 12
- Constitution: 12
- Dexterity: 12
- Charisma: 10
AC: 9
HP: 7/7
Level: 2 XP Total: 4840 XP Needed:
Languages Common, Fey, Primalingua
- Gear Carried
- Backpack (2gp, -)
- Bedroll (1sp, -)
- Blanket, Winter (5sp, -)
- Ink (1 oz. vial) (8gp, -)
- 4 Quill Pens (4sp, -)
- 10 Parchment Sheets (2gp, -)
- Lantern (9gp, *)
- 3 1-pint oil flasks (3sp, 1)
- Spell Book (15gp, 1)
- Dagger (3gp, *)
- Dagger, Silver (30gp, *)
- Helmet (15gp, *)
- Shortbow (25gp, 1)
- Quiver of 20 arrows (5gp, *)
- Backpack (2gp, -)
- Other Gear:
- Mule (30gp)
- 10 days of preserved rations (5gp)
- 50 ft. Hemp Rope (1gp)
- 2 pints wine (2gp)
- 10-foot pole (2sp, 2)
- Weapons
- Dagger (normal or silver, one-handed melee).
- Shortbow (two-handed ranged)
- Armor
- None!
- Treasure & Coinage: 6gp, 7sp
Encumbrance Total: 4 2/3 Stone
Background & Description:
Delve into the arcane, they said. Ultimate cosmic power, they said. Get all the chicks, they said. That mayor's daughter was pretty happy to hook up with a dashing young wizard, alright, but her father ran Klavier out of town. So now he's traveling the world in search of wealth and power so that one day he can show them, show them all!
Fighting Style: Archery and, er, knifery. Klavier acts refined but fights like a thug.