Thor 2e

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Thor, PL 16

Str 46 (+18), Dex 14 (+2), Con 46 (+18), Int 12 (+1), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 20 (+5)

Skills: Concentration 5 (+8), Intimidate 5 (+10), Knowledge (arcane lore) 3 (+4), Knowledge (tactics) 5 (+6), Language (Ancient Norse, English), Medicine 9 (+12), Notice 3 (+6), Pilot 3 (+5), Ride 4 (+6), Sense Motive 3 (+6), Survival 3 (+6)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Attractive, Benefit (Asgardian Prince), Benefit (Avenger Membership), Diehard, Endurance, Fearless, Improved Initiative, Inspire 2, Power Attack, Renown, Takedown Attack


  • Device 10 (Mjolnir, Hard to Lose, Power Feat: Restricted ['Worthy' Individuals Only], Blast 20 [Thrown Hammer, Alternate Powers: Air Control 20, Blast 13 (Thrown Hammer, Extra: Area [Line]), Blast 20 (Lightning), Blast 19 (Lightning from the Sky, Power Feats: Indirect 2), Dazzle 13 (Lightning and Thunder, Auditory and Visual), Deflect 20 (All Ranged Attacks), Environmental Control 10 (Raging Storm, Distraction DC 10 plus Hamper Movement to Half Speed, 5.000 ft radius, Extra: Continuous Duration), Flight 6 (500 MPH), Strike 4 (Power Feat: Mighty), Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Movement to Mythological Dimensions, Flaw: Full Action, Power Feats: Progression 4 [2500 lbs])])
  • Immovable 8
  • Immunity 8 (Aging, Disease, Environmental Conditions [All], Suffocation)
  • Impervious Toughness 5
  • Super-Strength 10 (Heavy Load: 6400 tons, Power Feat: Groundstrike)

Combat: Attack +10, Grapple +38, Damage +18 (unarmed), +20 (blast and thrown hammer), +22 (hammer in melee), Defense +10 (+5 flat-footed), Knockback -19, Initiative +6

Saves: Toughness +18, Fortitude +18, Reflex +5, Will +10

Drawbacks: Vulnerable ('realistic' puncturing weapons such as bullets and knives, Moderate, Very Common, -4)

Abilities 94 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 83 + Combat 40 + Saves 10 - Drawbacks 4 = Total 247