Somchai Rattanakosin
Somchai Rattanakosin
Defining moment
Somchai is a sao praphet song, a girl who was born with the body of a boy. She worked as a singer on the stage of a cabaret show to earn money for her operations, but every day spent in the wrong body is suffering, and she just couldn't earn the money fast enough. That's when Kanzoutsukamu offered her a contract, hunting down demons so she could be herself...without operations.
Type: Wiseass
Flavas: Performer (reskinned Politician), You Are Awesome And You Should Feel Awesome
Badass Points: 5
Gear: +1 Wand of Light, +2 Cloak of Darkness
Somchai hunts demons exclusively. She believes that her power exists to fight demons and the occasional "evil" magical girls, and thus she doesn't use her power on non-supernaturals at all.