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This is the homepage for ChalkLine's Cthulhu Invictus game played on
Dramatis Personae
Player Characters
Non-Player Characters
House Rules
Character Generation
Characters are generated with the standard Call of Cthulhu - Cthulhu Invictus system and then given the 'gladiator pack' to reflect their recent training.
PC generation is basically as per Call of Cthulhu version 6, with the following changes;
- STR: 3D6
- CON: 3D6
- SIZ: 2D6+6
- INT: 2D6+6
- POW: 3D6
- DEX: 3D6
- APP: 3D6
- EDU: 1D6 for slaves, 2D6 educated, 3D6 for specialist
Skill points are EDUx20 and INTx10, and can be allotted to any skill. However, there is a skill cap of 80%. A PC with a 1d6 EDU has a 20 skill point Bonus. The bonus for 2d6 EDU is 5 skill points.
Skill bases percentages;
- Languages:
- Native: INTx5%
- Second: EDUx3%
- Third: EDUx2%
- Fourth: EDUx1%.
- Accounting: 10%
- Animal Handling 10%
- Art 05%
- Bargain: 05%
- Civics 10%
- Climb: 40%
- Conceal: 15%
- Craft
- (Craft default): 5%
- Dodge: DEX x2%
- Drive: 20%
- Empire: 25%
- Fast Talk: 05%
- First Aid: 30%
- Hide: 10%
- Insight: 5%
- Jump: 25%
- Library Use: 10%
- Listen: 25%
- Medicine: 1%
- Natural World: 10%
- Navigate: 10%
- Occult: 10%
- Other Kingdom: 1% (each kingdom is considered seperate)
- Other Language: (See top of list)
- Own Kingdom: 20%
- Own Language: (See top of list)
- Persuade: 15%
- Pilot Boat: 5%
- Potions: 01%
- Repair/Devise: 20%
- Ride: 20%
- Science: 01%
- Architecture:
- Astrology:
- Augury:
- Engineering:
- Geography
- Mathematics:
- Metallurgy:
- Sneak: 10%
- Spot Hidden: 25%
- Status: 15%
- Swim: 25%
- Throw: 25%
- Track: 10%
- Write Language: 10%
- Weapons
- Hand to hand
- Fist: 25%
- Kick: 15%
- Head Butt: 10%
- Grapple: 25%
- Axe
- One Handed Axe/Hammer: 10%
- Two Handed Axe/Hammer: 10%
- Poll Axe/Hammer:
- Club
- One Handed Club/Mace: 15%
- Two Handed Club/Mace: 15%
- Spear
- One Handed Spear: 5%
- Two Handed Spear: 10%
- Sword
- Dagger/Short Sword: 15%
- One Handed Sword: 10%
- Shield
- Shield: 25%
- Missile weapons
- Bow: 10%
- Javelin: 10%
- Hurled stone: 25%
Note: Weapons use the same skill number to attack and parry. Offhand weapons have a base skill of 5%