Of a minor noble family, Livia has a tendency to get bored. Bored of the endless parties her parents throw, bored of talking with the sons of other families, bored of the silly girls who flit around in her circles. One day in the arena, a gladiator gave her the eye, just before he died. She never felt so thrilled in her life and wormed her way into the arena as an Amzazon. She has killed five men so far, giving each a big kiss before she sends him on his way.
- STR: 11
- CON: 13
- SIZ: 10
- INT: 16
- POW: 11
- DEX: 16
- APP: 09
- EDU: 09
Weapon Styles
- +0 damage bonus
- Murmillo
- Large shield, Gladius (short sword), Pugio (dagger), hand to hand. Helmet, greaves, manicum (arm guard)
- Scutum (Large, oblong shield) (1d6)
- Gladius (Short sword) (1d8+1)
- Pugio (dagger) without scabbard (1d4+2)
- Mirmillo helmet with white plumes
- Iron right arm manica (arm guard)
- Padded iron greaves
- Balteus (wide leather belt reinforced with iron)
- White (loin cloth)