Tyche's Favourites/Septimus
Demographic information
Name: Septimus
Class: Diplomat 5
Status: Mercantile
Politics: Anarchist
Religion: Weak polytheist
Ethnicity: Latin
Age: 30 (Prime= )
Strength: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 15 (+1)
Dexterity: 14 (+1)
Constitution: 9 (0)
Charisma: 18 (+3)
HP: 18 (Bloodied: 9) AC: 7/8 (Shield:+2/+3 Dex:+1) Enc: 5/5
Movement: 120' Combat: 40' Charge/Run: 120' Climb: 10' Stealth: 20' Daily: 24 miles
Saving Throws: Fortitude 11+ (0) Reflex 11+ (1) Will 12+ (1)
Initiative: +2 Surprise Mod: +0
Proficiencies and Abilities
- Seasoned Campaigner
- Bargaining
- Bribery
- Diplomacy
- Intimidate
- Military Strategy
- Navigation
- Performance (Rhetoric)
- Profession (Merchant)
- Riding
- Seafaring II
- Seduction
- Siege Engineering II
Class Abilities
- When hiring people (employees, mercenaries, henchmen, contracting a sage, and so on), treat the market class of the city as one better (Class I markets remain Class I).
- Any henchmen and mercenaries hired gain a +1 bonus to their morale score if the character is there to witness and talk about their deeds.
- Hear Noise 10+
- Brute Force 18+
- Move Silently 13+
- Native: Latin
- Other: Aramaic, Keltic, Koine Greek, Iberian, Phoenician
Weapons and Attacks
Item | Throw | Damage | Enc |
Shortsword (exceptional) | 6+ | 1d6+1 | 1/6 |
Spear (exceptional) | 6+ | 1d6+1 | 1 |
Daggers (3) | 7+/6+ | 1d4 | 3/6 |
Total Encumbrance: 2
Armour and Shield
Item | AC | Enc |
Scale thorax (exceptional) | 4 | 2 |
Medium shield | +2/+3 | 2 |
Total Encumbrance: 4
Personal Gear
Encumbrance and Movement
- Full move: 5
- 3/4 move: 7
- 1/2 move: 10
- 1/4 move: 20
Mounts and Beasts of Burden
Light riding horse Mv: 240'/80' AC 2 HD 2 hp 12 Att: 1 Dmg: 1d4 (hoof) Save: F1 Mor: -2 Init: Ld: 20/40
Light riding horse Mv: 240'/80' AC 2 HD 2 hp 12 Att: 1 Dmg: 1d4 (hoof) Save: F1 Mor: -2 Init: Ld: 20/40
Light riding horse Mv: 240'/80' AC 2 HD 2 hp 12 Att: 1 Dmg: 1d4 (hoof) Save: F1 Mor: -2 Init: Ld: 20/40
Henchmen and Hirelings
Personal Retinue
Name | Class/Level |
Nyssa | Assassin 3 |
Nikeratos of Kyrene | Expert 2 |
Cleandros of Syrakousai | Expert 2 |
Isokrates of Samos | Assassin 1 |
Kyros | Fighter 1 |
Marsyas | Fighter 1 |
Pollio | Fighter 1 |