AnglerStudios:Main Page

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Revision as of 08:15, 19 May 2006 by G01d HaCkEr (talk | contribs) (Did preliminary main page for new RPG project.)
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Angler Studios Main Page

Welcome to the main page for Angler Studios! The name 'Angler' is derived from the initials of the 2 programmers (AN and GL) and the first initial of the creative guy (R). It consists of 3 friends and other contributors, whose aim is to make an as-yet unnamed RPG game that has an interesting story, and potentially new, interesting gameplay mechanics. It's also a great first foray into making computer games, which is something at least 2 of us want to go into when we graduate from uni.

The team consists of:

  • Richard S - character (and other stuff) artist, story writer, primary map designer / content generator
  • Greg L - programmer #1
  • Andrew N - programmer #2


Here are some suggested links to pages which may not exist yet, to anticipate some possible areas we want to work on.

AnglerStudios:News News | AnglerStudios:Story Storyline | AnglerStudios:Battle_System Battle System Design | AnglerStudios:Editor Editor Design | AnglerStudios:Map Map Issues | AnglerStudios:Coding Coding Discussion | AnglerStudios:Art Art Discussion | AnglerStudios:Files Uploaded Files | AnglerStudios:Links Links to Resources | AnglerStudios:Misc Miscellaneous Discussion

That's all for now, if a page doesn't exist, create it! Also, if you are not on the team and you stumbled across this page, and want to help out, please use the AnglerStudios:How_can_I_help How can I help? page.
