The Judges of Tehom
This is a Setting in progress by RPGnet user Nick the Nevermet.
System information
- System: Raquiya
- Technology: 1/-1 (“Cerentech” vs. standard society)
- Environment: E0 – 1 garden and several barren worlds
- Resources: Rich
Primary Actors
- Ceren – the Lords
- Shoftim – The Governors – leaders of the Lords
- Tehom – the world of Raquiya IV
- Mevakeret Tavul– The Fascinated Traveler, Steward of Tides, the world mind or psychic aggregator of Tehom
Political entities
- The Ten Horns – The ten great cities of humanity
- The Little Horn – The Commune, aka, the Communal Republic
- The Seven Crowns – the Seven great Shoftim