Ruling Arcana
The Arcana form the foundation of the Tarot deck and consists of twenty-one numbered cards and one unnumbered card (the Fool, which is either 0 or 22 in some decks). They represent a path to spiritual self-awareness and depict the various stages we encounter as we search for greater meaning and understanding. In this way, they hold deeply meaningful lessons. In the world of Persona, the Major Arcana cards represent Carl Jung’s archetypes – consistent, directing patterns of influence that are an inherent part of human nature. They are themes which mark, portray and symbolise stages in our psyche whereby we aim to become a balanced and integrated person. Along this journey, we encounter challenges, face adversity, perform labours, make hard decisions and fight opposing forces. Each step of the way brings us closer to enlightenment. This is often referred to as the journey of the Fool. A person's life may be influenced by many different arcana but they are usually attuned to one Arcana more than others. This ruling arcana dominates their life. All currently known Shadows are born from one of the Arcana.
1 The Magician The Magician has, in the right hand, a golden ball, in the left a stick [wand]. The hat makes an eight [infinity sign]. The bearing of the hand shows right activity, left passivity. Sign of force, stability, self. He has all the symbols before him. An ongoing theme that is related to all Magician Arcana Social Links is the tragedy that befalls the social link character related to their romantic interest. Virtues: Fortitude, Prudence Vices: Envy, Lust Favored Aspects: Agi, Genso
2 The High Priestess Sitting Priestess. She wears a veil. On her knees is a book. This book is open. She stands in connection with the moon. Occult wisdom. Passive, eternal woman. Individuals associated with the Priestess Arcana are usually quiet, reserved, and very intelligent. They are often modest and shy, and won't open up to the protagonist until much later in their Social Links as compared with other characters. Virtues: Hope, Temperance Vices: Greed, Envy Favored Aspects: Agi, Hama
3 The Empress Empress with wings. In the right hand she has an eagle, in the left a scepter. She has a crown with 12 stones. Eagle as a symbol of soul and life. Feminine activity. Fruitfulness, goddess. Within the Persona universe, the Empress Arcana often belongs to women of authority or wise and motherly figures Virtues: Fortitude, Hope Vices: Sloth, Gluttony Favored Aspects: Bufu, Hama
4 The Emperor Emperor sitting in profile. In the right hand he is holding the scepter. He wears a helmet with 12 stones. The legs are crossed. Will, force, reality, duty, brightness. Within the Persona universe, characters of the Emperor Arcana are often male leaders or father figures (or both). Typically, the King of a mythological pantheon is of the Emperor Arcana. Virtues: Hope, Justice Vices: Greed, Pride Favored Aspects: He, Zio
5 The Hierophant The Hierophant leans on a three fax[sic - triple?] cross. The two columns are standing on the right as law, on the left liberty. Two men are kneeling before him: one is red, the other black. Will, religion, fate [faith?], Self, center. Characters of the Hierophant Arcana are often older, and are typically quite wise and logical. The most common connection between Hierophant characters, however, is their association (and obsession) with the past. Virtues: Prudence, Temperance Vices: Wrath, Lust Favored Aspects: Don, Genso
6 The Lovers The young man stands in a corner where two streets come together. The woman on the right has a golden garland on her head. The woman on the left is wreathed with a vine. Beauty, cross-road, way inward or outward. A commonality among individuals of the Lovers Arcana is their popularity and their emphasis on social interaction. Lovers characters are almost always the "popular" ones. Lover's are often at a crossroads in life. Virtues: Charity, Faith Vices: Lust, Envy Favored Aspects: Hama , Ki
7 The Chariot Conqueror with coronet. He has three angle [right angles on his cuirass]. In his hand is a scepter. Arrow and weapon arm [right hand?]. Actively going toward his fate. He has a goal, achieving victory. Activity, extraversion. Inflation. Characters who are of the Chariot Arcana are typically very driven individuals, who have a personal goal that they aim to achieve at any cost. It is not uncommon for Chariot characters to be short-tempered or aggressive. Virtues: Fortitude, Justice Vices: Wrath, Greed Favored Aspects: Agi, He
8 Justice Sitting woman with a coronet. In the right hand she has a sword, in the left, a balance [scales]. Compensation between nature and the force of a man. Justice, compensation. Conflict with the law. Commonly, characters of the Justice Arcana are concerned with matters of fairness, and otherwise are very stoic individuals. Virtues: Temperance, Justice Vices: Pride, Wrath Favored Aspects: Garu, Hama
9 The Hermit An old man walks with a stick [staff]. Wisdom as symbolized by the lamp. Protection with the overcoat. Cleverness, love, introversion. Wisdom. Hermit Arcana characters share the commonality of placing themselves in situations that hide them from the public eye. Hermit individuals hide away from others or act in more supportive roles rather than putting themselves in the spotlight. Virtues: Prudence, Fortitude Vices: Gluttony, Envy Favored Aspects: Genso, Ki
10 Wheel of Fortune Sphinx holding a sword. Wheel symbolizing endlessness. Finger as a sign of command. Human being as ball [circumference?] of the wheel of fortune. Luck/misfortune. Bearers of the Fortune Arcana are usually individuals who are aware of their fates, and attempt to seize their own destiny in spite of their seemingly-locked fates. Thus, they are typically involved with making important choices and decisions. Virtues: Faith, Fortitude Vices: Sloth, Envy Favored Aspects: Garu, Zio
11 Strength A young girl opens the mouth of a lion. The girl has the sign of vitality on her hat. Liberty, strength. A commonality between characters of the Strength Arcana is their strength of heart. Strength characters are not upset easily and typically portray the fortitude that the Strength card represents in readings. Virtues: Charity, Temperance Vices: Wrath, Pride Favored Aspects: Garu,He
12 The Hanged Man The hands of this man on in back. The eyes are open. The right leg is crossed. On the right and left a trunk of a tree. Turning back [enantiodromia?], powerless, sacrifice, test, proof. Face against the sky. Hanged Man characters are sometimes self-sacrificial, but are more often notable for being caught between two different extremes, parties, or stages in life. Virtues: Charity, Fortitude Vices: Sloth, Pride Favored Aspects: Don, He
13 Death A skeleton in a field with heads and fingers. Death and regeneration. The Psyche should not take [the] place, the Self has to take [the] place. New standpoint, liberation, end. Virtues: Faith, Fortitude Vices: Sloth, Gluttony Favored Aspects: Don, Mudo
14 Temperance Young girl pours water from one jug in the other. The sun gives the liquid of life from a golden in[to] a silver jug. Movement, consciousness, natural growth. Virtues: Hope, Temperance Vices: Wrath, Greed Favored Aspects: Bufu, Don
15 The Devil The right hand of the Devil is raised to the sky, the left points to the earth. Two persons are under him. He holds the torch as a sign of black magic. Fate, Shadow, emotion. Virtues: Prudence, Justice Vices: Lust, Greed Favored Aspects: Agi, Ki
16 The Tower Burning tower. Hospital, prison, struck by lightning. Sacrifice. Virtues: Temperance, Faith Vices: Pride, Sloth Favored Aspects: Mudo, Zio
17 The Star A naked woman spills water from two jugs. Around the girl are seven stars. The Self shines, stars of fate, night, dreams. Hope. The Self is born in the stars. Union with the eternal. Virtues: Faith, Hope Vices: Gluttony, Sloth Favored Aspects: Bufu, Garu
18 The Moon In the middle of a field is a dog and a wolf. A crayfish comes out of the water. It is night. The door to the unconscious is open. The crayfish likes to go the shore. The light is indirect. Virtues: Prudence, Faith Vices: Envy, Greed Favored Aspects: Genso, Ki
19 The Sun Two naked girls. The sun shines on the children. Drops of gold fall on the earth. The Self is ruling the situation. Consciousness. Enlightenment. Virtues: Temperance, Hope Vices: Lust, Envy Favored Aspects: Agi, Hama
20 Judgement An angel with fiery wings, an open grave in the earth. Birth of the Self. Inspiration, liberation. Virtues: Justice, Charity Vices: Pride, Sloth Favored Aspects: Hama , Mudo
21 The World/The Universe Naked woman, her legs are crossed. In the four corners we have the angel, the lion, the bull and the eagle. Completion, finishing. In the world but not from the world. Not available to players at character creation. When a character achieves Identity 10 they embody the World Arcana and are capable of incredible feats
0 The Fool A man who doesn’t take care on his way. Beginning and end. The fool has no home in this world; the home is in heaven. Dreamer, mystic side. Not available to players