- Str 6
- Dex 7+1##= 8
- End 6 +1##=7
- Int 9
- Edu 8 +1##=9 +1 (term 4) +1 Edu (mustering)= 11
- Social 5 -1 (Term 2)
- Roll 1d6, add the result to your attributes anywhere you like, to a maximum of 12 in any single att. Note the amount less than 6 that was rolled — this number will generate bonuses during career paths. Rolled a 3## Used them for two survivals and one advancement roll later.
Background skills from harsh life etc.
- Survival 0
- Engineering 0
- Comms 0
- Computer 0
Term 1 Drifter: Scavenger
- Pilot small craft 1
- Mechanic 1
- Astrogation 1
- Vacc suit 1
- Zero g 1
- Gun combat 1
- Jack of all trades 0 (Rolled-yes!!)
- survival yes,
- advancement yes 1## Skill gained: zero g +1.
- event (41, using scoundrel splat book) You go undercover to study the defences of a merchant freighter. Gain Mechanic 1, Engineering
(any) 1, Steward 1 or Pilot (any) 1, then roll Deception 8+. If you succeed, gain a +2DM to your next Advancement roll; if you fail, you suffer a –2DM to your next Advancement roll. rolled 9 pilot Skill = spacecraft 1
Term 2 Drifter: Scavenger
- Chose Jack of all trades +1
- Survive yes##,
- Advancement yes. skill gained vacc suit+ 1
- Event:Life event table: Accused of crime on board ship soc standing -1
- Pilot small craft 1
- Mechanic 1
- Astrogation 1
- Vacc suit 2
- Zero g 2
- Gun combat 1
- Jack of all trades 1
- Pilot spacecraft 1
Term 3 Drifter: Scavenger
- Chose Jack of all trades +1
- Survive yes
- Advancement yes##. skill gained Pilot small craft+ 1
- Event