Carter Wynn

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Carter Wynn traveller character 9 8 8 7 6 (Rolled a 5) AGE: 34 Str: 8 Dex: 9 End: 10 (+1 End - Muster out term 4) Int: 10 (+1 Int - Muster out term 1) Edu: 8 Soc: 7

2 Allies, Thieve’s Toolkit, Thieve’s Disguise Kit, Criminal Organization (Contacts)

Final Skills: Athletics, Co-ordination: 0 Broker: 2 Computers: 1 Deception: 2 Drive, Wheeled: 0 Gun Combat, Slug Pistol: 1 Gun Combat, Slug Rifle: 1 Mechanic: 1 Medic: 0 Melee, Martial Arts: 1 Persuade 1 Pilot, Spacecraft: 3 Recon: 1 Sensors: 1 Stealth: 3 Streetwise: 0 Vacc Suit: 1 Zero-G: 0

Background Skills: Drive: 0, Medic: 0, Zero-G: 0

Term 1 - Smuggler: Bootlegger Computers: 1 Service Skills: Pilot: 1, Sensors: 1, Mechanic: 1, Broker: 1, Vacc Suit: 1, Deception: 1

Survival: Yes (rolled 7)

Event: #1# Picked 56: An outlying community establishes a smuggler’s haven with your help. Gain Persuade 1.

Advancement: Yes (rolled 9): LVL 1 - Trader Skill Benefit: Broker +1 Deception: +1

Muster Out: roll 4 (+50,000 or smuggler vessel), 2 +1 Int Age: 22

Term 2: Intruder - Burglar Qualify: #2# - used roll Service Skills: Athletics?: 0 Specialist Skill: Stealth: 1

Survive: Yes (Roll 7)

Event: #3# Picked #34: You are on the wrong side of a gang war. Gain Gun Combat 1, gain an Ally.

Advancement: Yes (Roll 8): Experienced Thief Skill Benefit: +1 Benefit Roll Stealth: +1

Muster Out: 2 (Thieve’s Tools), 3: Ally, 2 ship shares or 10,000, 2 (Thieve’s Tools) Age: 26

Term 3: Organized Criminal: Assassin Qualify: #4# - used roll Service Skills: Streetwise: 0 Specialist Skill: Recon: 1

Survive: Yes (Roll 10) Event: Roll 41: The Organization extends its reach offworld. Gain Pilot 1. Advancement: Yes (Roll 8): Rank 1 - Soldier Skill Benefit: Membership Melee?: 1 Age: 30

Term 4: Organized Criminal: Assassin Specialist Skill: Gun Combat?: 1

Survive: Yes (Roll 11) Event: #5# Pick: The organization sends you offworld. Gain Pilot 1

Advancement: Yes (Roll 10): Rank 2 - Soldier Skill Benefit: None Stealth: 1 Muster Out: 2 (+1 End), 1 - 1,000 Age: 34

Disappointed one of the bosses and was forced out. Joined FERA as a pilot