- Strength 9
- Agility B
- Constitution 9
- Intelligence 9
- Education 6
- Social Status 4
Term 1 Federation Star Marines
- Qualify 7, survival 5 (+1 end 6+), wounded, Purple Heart. Commision 6, enlisted. Advancement 6 Rank 1.
- Athletics (any) -1, Battle Dress -2, Tactics(small unit)-1, Heavy Weapon (any) -1, Gun cbt(any)-2,melee cbt(blade)-1, Stealth-1.
- Gunnery -1 or Gun Cbt-1.
Wartime event. You save the life of one of your unit members and gain an Ally.
Term 2 Marines. Star Marines.
- Survival (6) you survived unwounded.
- Commision (11) You are made an officer. Lieutenant. Gain leader-1.
- Promotion (7) You are promoted to Captain. R2.
Event: You spend this term entirely on board naval vessels and are given the opportunity to learn new skills whilst doing so.
- Sensors-1 or Gunnery-1.
- Marine muster outs ( 10000cr, +1 int, Armour).
Tracer - Investigator/bounty hunter Qualifying roll 7 - you're in
Term Three- Bounty hunter (Bondsman/Tracer in the Zone -Licensed).
- Pick up a new service skill at 0
- Survival 5 (use free dice change), Advancement 10, to R1 (Carousing-1, Detective 1st Class).
Pick up two skills (Streetwise, Investigation).
Event 43 Your bounty sends you to a frontier zone, deep in the wilds of a barbaric planet. Survival 1.
Term 4: qualify 7, back in
- Survival 8, so safe. Advancement 6 so no luck there.
- You gain Stealth-1.
Event: 23. You have an unexpected and scandalous romantic relationship with a mark. Gain an Ally, then roll Deception 8+ to avoid losing 1 Trust. (you rolled 10)
Contact: Foxtrot was the scandalous relationship. It landed them both in FERA's clutches. The ally is Boswell, the FERAI (intelligence operative) who brought you both in. Pick a skill level to symbolise the contact.
Actually, that +1 int pushes your term 4 advancement roll over, so you get R2 Investigator (Investigate -1 )
- Term 5: FERA.
- Basic training: Medic-0, Zero G-0, Recon-0.
- operations branch
- Survival 7, Leader 6, Pick a skill from the operations table.
Group package skills. Pick two of the level 0 skills from your FERA training and make them level-1