Expedition Beta
Expedition Beta.
Jump drives are a little faster IMTU. 1 parsec/day is a constant for all jump drives. With the route mapped out, you should be beyond the Zone in about 3 weeks.
Expedition Beta is commanded by Lilelu Wall, ex-Captain of the Federation Marines. She has a fearsome reputation, mostly based around her dueling history.
The Fleet
- 1 Railship (2000ton converted merchant)
Carrying 600tons Modular Cargo [sick bay, fighter pods, workshops, stores, spares, armory, Planetary Assault module].
- 2 x 400ton Dragon class SBD's
- 8 x 100ton Scout/couriers.
- 1 Modular clipper (2000tons)
Carrying deep space mission modular loadout. (Crew quarters, sensor arrays, fuel modules, cargo modules, labs, antiviral arrays).
- 1 Colonial class cruiser (1200tons)
- 2 Gazelle close escorts (400tons)
- 1 Broadsword class Mercenary cruiser (800tons)
- 2 Long traders (converted to Q ships) (400tons)
- 6 Frontier couriers (200tons)