The Watch Character Sheet Template
Character Name
by (Name, if not your original material)
Image of chatacter here, right justified, at least 250 px wide
Real Name
Solo xdx, Buddy Xdx, Team xdx
Distinction 1, Distinction 2, Distinction 3
Power 1 Name
Abilities dx
SFX: Name of SFX - Effects of SFX
Limit: Name of Limit - Effects of Limit
Power 2 Name (if any)
Abilities dx
SFX: Name of SFX - Effects of SFX
Limit: Name of Limit - Effects of Limit
Specialty dx
Milestones (if Hero Datafile)
Name of Milestone
Description if desired
1 xp -
3 xp -
10 xp -
Name of Milestone
Description if desired
1 xp -
3 xp -
10 xp -