Lucius of Nemedia

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A character in the The Hyborian Age ACKS Campaign.

Lucius of Nemedia

  • Alignment: Lawful (Mitra) Bard Level 5 (Chronicler)
  • XP: 20,000/22,400
  • Backstory: Lucius is a minor Numalian noble, who has traveled the world extensively and left behind his homeland of Nemedia, finding its social structure too rigid for true advancement.


  • STR 10
  • INT 10
  • WIS 10
  • DEX 18 +3
  • CON 14 +1
  • CHA 18 +3


  • HP: 22
  • AC: 9 (2 Leather + 3 Magic +3 Dex + 1 Swashbuckling)
  • Initiative: +3 (3 Dex)
  • Attack Throw / Damage: 3+/ 1d6+1
  • Movement (Base, Combat, Charge): 120/40/120
  • Saves:
    • Paralysation & Petrification 11+
    • Poison & Death 11+
    • Blast & Breath 14+
    • Staffs & Wands 12+
    • Spells 13+


  • Adventuring
  • Performance (song)
  • Weapon Finesse
  • Swashbuckling
  • Diplomacy
  • Riding
  • Knowledge: Politics


  • Inspire Courage
  • Arcane Dabbling 10+
  • Loremastery 14+
  • Read Languages 5+
  • Chronicles of battle

Equipment & Loot

  • Leather Armor +3 (0 Stone)
  • Sword +1 (1 item)
  • Sword (1 item)
  • Composite Bow (1 Stone)
  • Backpack (1 Item)
  • 1 Waterskin (1 Item)
  • 1 wk. Iron Rations (1 Item)
  • Tinderbox (1 item)
  • Bundle of 6 torches (1 item)
  • 3 Flasks of Military Oil (3 items)
  • Rope, 50' (1 item)
  • Belt Pouch (1 item)
  • Musical Instrument (1 item)
  • Potion of Heroism (1 Item)

Encumbrance: 3 stone

Medium Warhorse (Military Saddle, 2x Saddlebags)

The weaponsmiths of ancient Nemedia were some of the first men to work steel. While costing a princely sum, the silvered blades produced by these craftsmen are far superior to the steel from lesser nations. (+1 sword)

From time to time, the fierce Aesir warriors have been known to supplement their frenzies with certain fungi that can bring about a battle-ready state called berzerkergang. These plants are a jealously guarded secret, but for the right price, a dose can be obtained on the black market. (Potion of Heroism)

You cannot tell what hoary race produced this suit of leather armor, only that the craftsmanship is beyond the make of any tanner you have ever come across. Night-black, slightly oily to the touch, and inlayed with silver, the strange markings are indecipherable to even the greatest scholars of history. One thing is certain -- whatever creature was skinned to produce this armor was not of this world, proved by the unnatural resistance the leather has to damage. (Leather +3)