In Play

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I will ask for players to declare actions before I roll for initiative. Those who declare will be given a +1 bonus to their initiative roll. However, in such cases the action is "set" and will occur regardless of what has already transpired (in other words, you run the risk of attacking an already dead monster, for instance). If you prefer you can hold your player's actions to better respond to contingencies. In such instances a -1 penalty is applied to the initiative roll. For instance "Ugod waits to see what happens. If the ogre resists the mage's spell he will attack, otherwise he ignores the ogre and attacks the nearest goblin."

I will roll initiative for each round. I roll for each player, in alphabetical order, and specific groups of monsters (such as "goblins" and "goblin king").

Critical Hits/Misses

A natural 20 results in the attack doing maximum damage. A natural 1 results in:

  • 1. -4 penalty to next attack
  • 2. -2 to the character's AC for the subsequent round.
  • 3. The character leaves himself open to a free attack from one opponent.
  • 4. The character obstructs a companion in such a way that the companion suffers a -4 penalty to their next attack. Note that this has the potential to disrupt a spell.
  • 5. The character makes a second attack roll against a nearby companion.
  • 6. The character takes 1d4 points of damage from the botched attack.
  • 7. The character's weapon breaks.
  • 8. The character's weapon becomes stuck.

Note that the above will apply to both PCs and NPCs.

Missile Fire

Once melee is joined it becomes impossible to fire into melee. Note that there are subclass features that allow a PC to do this. In such cases, they only risk hitting someone who is not their target on a natural "1". This target will be randomly determined.

Shields Shall be Splintered

To make shields more viable in addition to the AC bonus a character may "sacrifice" her shield in order to negate the physical damage caused by a single attack. Afterwards the shield is considered ruined.