Moira of the Shadow-leaf pack
A character in Morgrave High: Passing Marks

"I hope I do well and don't embarass my clan."
Role: Archer
Character Archetype: Moe
Theme Song: "Prickly Thorn, but Sweetly Worn" by the White Stripes - [1]
Second Theme: He Mele No Lilo by Mark Kealiʻi Hoʻomalu, The Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus-[2]
- Has an aberrant dragonmark that seems to grant prophetic dreams.
- Member of the Shadow-leaf pack of shifters, which dwells on the edge of the Twilight Demesne.
- Is on a mission to prevent some vast apocalypse.
- Wears borrowed underwear.
Character Sheet

Languages: Common, Elven
Speed 6 (8)
HP: 42 Surges: 6 Surge value: 9
AC: 19 Fort: 17 Ref:20 Will: 20
Str 13, Con 11, Dex 19, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 8
Athletics +9, Nature +12, Perception +12 (+14), Stealth +14, Heal +12
Acrobatics +9, Arcana +3, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +3, History +3, Insight +7, Intimidate +2, Religion +3, Streetwise +2, Thievery +7
Wild Senses: Moira rolls twice on Perception checks to track
Beast Empathy :Moira gains a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks against beasts. Moira can communicate simple concepts and commands to such creatures, though they are under no compulsion to obey her. With a successful Insight check (DC determined by the DM), Moira can read a creature’s body language and vocalizations enough to understand basic messages from it.
Mountain Guide: Whenever she succeeds on an Athletics check to climb, Moira reduces the DC of that climb by 2 for her allies until the end of the encounter. Only allies who see her make the climb gain this benefit.
Ambush Expertise : Whenever she makes a Stealth check, each ally within 10 squares of Moira gains a +2 bonus to his or her next Stealth check before the end of Moira’s next turn. Yes, even Xali.
Racial Power: Razorclaw Shifting
Encounter Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must be bloodied.
Effect: You gain 5 temporary hit points. Until the end of the encounter, your speed increases by 2, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex.
Ranged Basic Attack
Almost all of Moira’s powers use this attack.
At-Will, Weapon, Standard Action, Ranged weapon (Longbow 20/40)
Target: One creature
Attack: +12 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage
At Will Attacks
Elemental Shot
At-Will Primal, Standard Action Personal
Effect: You make a ranged basic attack with a weapon. If the attack hits, any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the target takes 4 damage.
Special: Choose cold, fire, lightning, or thunder whenever you use this power. Your choice determines the power’s damage type.
Clever Shot
At-Will Martial, Standard Action Personal
Effect: You make a ranged basic attack with a weapon. If the attack hits, the target is also subject to one of the following effects of your choice:
- You slide the target up to 2 squares.
- The target falls prone.
- The target is slowed (save ends).
Rapid Shot
At-Will Martial
Standard Action Personal
Effect: You make a ranged basic attack with a weapon against each creature in or adjacent to a square within the attack’s range. You take a -2 penalty to the attack rolls.
Encounter Power
Disruptive Shot
Encounter Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Longbow range (20/40)
Target: One creature
Attack: +12 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage, and you choose for the target to be either immobilized (save ends) or dazed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Special: Moira can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per Turn.
Moira has three Aspects of the Wild. She can switch between them as a minor action, and they last until she assumes a new aspect, or some other stance. When not in combat Moira is assumed to be using Aspect of the Seeking Falcon: the numbers in parentheses represent her modified perception and speed scores.
Aspect of the Seeking Falcon
At-Will Primal, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume a stance, the aspect of the seeking falcon. Until the stance ends, you gain the following benefits.
- You ignore the penalty to attack rolls for making a ranged weapon attack at long range.
- You gain a +2 power bonus to speed.
- You gain a +2 power bonus to Perception checks.
Aspect of the Cunning Fox
At-Will Primal, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume a stance, the aspect of the cunning fox. Until the stance ends, you gain the following benefits.
- You take only half damage from attacks made against you during your turn (usually from opportunity attacks).
- Whenever you hit or miss with a melee attack or a ranged attack on your turn, you can take a free action to shift up to 2 squares.
Aspect of the Lurking Spider
At-Will Primal, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume a stance, the aspect of the lurking spider. Until the stance ends, you gain the following benefits.
- You gain a +2 power bonus to Stealth checks.
- You gain a +5 power bonus to Athletics checks made to climb.
- While you have combat advantage against an enemy, you gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against it.
Utility Power
Healer’s Gift (Enhanced)
Encounter. Healing, Shadow
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One dying creature
Effect: The target can choose to either spend a healing surge, or spend two healing surges but grant combat advantage until the end of the encounter.
Reactive Shift
Encounter Martial
Immediate Reaction personal
Trigger: An enemy you can see ends its turn adjacent to you.
Effect: Moira shifts 4 squares
Shadow Double
Encounter Shadow, Conjuration
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You dispatch your shadow to an unoccupied square within range. The shadow occupies its space, and it lasts until the end of your next turn. Until the conjuration ends, you can use your space or the shadow’s space as the origin for perception checks and ranged attacks. Creatures must make a DC 24 perception check to notice the shadow.