Arcun Rievers

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A character in the [[1]] B/X Campaign.

Arcun Rievers

  • Neutral Fighter 1
  • XP: 0/2000
  • Backstory: Arcun has come down from the mountains after his claim ran dry. He's still looking to hit it big.


  • STR 13/+1
  • INT 13/+1
  • WIS 12/0
  • DEX 11/0
  • CON 13/+1
  • CHA 8/-1


  • Common


  • HP: 9/9
  • AC: 7
  • Attack: Knife. 1d4 damage
  • Attack: Rifle.
  • Movement: 120
  • Saves:
    • Death Ray or Poison 12
    • Magic Wands 13
    • Paralysation or Petrification 14
    • Dragon Breath 15
    • Rod, Stave, or Spell: 16


Rifle 20 rounds of ammunition Axe Knife Mackinaw Backpack Small hammer 2 weeks iron rations 50' rope 2 small sacks Flint and steel 2 Waterskins

47 gold pieces