Zerith Altair
Zerith Altair is a level 11 Githzerai Avenger
Ability Scores
Hits Points and Defense
Max HP: 95
Bloodied: 47
Surge Value: 23
Surges per Day: 8
AC: 25
Fort: 20
Ref: 22
Will: 23
Personality Traits
Mannerisms and Appearance
Zerith is muscular heavily built male Githzerai who stands roughly at 6'0. His body is of a brown/bronze tone and is heavily scarred from many battles. He is not one for appearances, besides regular bathing, often having at tired look on his face and keeps his black hair at medium length layered, jagged, and shagged with bangs that are nearly eye length. Zerith has a tendency to wear black and darker shades of cool colors such as blue, green, and occasionally purple. Over whatever arm bracers and/or gloves he wears he wraps tightened rope. Zerith is left-handed and wields a fullblade; he wears a baldric so he can draw, store, and carry his massive sword.
Auspicious Birth
Substitute highest ability score for CON to determine HP
I was born on the 7th day of the 7th month, supposedly that was a good sign for my family. It was meant to mark a reunion of sorts. Though to be honest I never really paid too much attention to stories concerning my family, but apparently it had something with the name we were given.
Stars and such...
It must be weird for a "warrior monk" such as myself to show such disinterest in these kind of signs. Well the past is the past, and as far as the gods are concerned I believe there needs to exist an equal relationship between a deity and its worshippers, and as such we aren't to be holding onto each other's every single word and action.
Starting Feature: Sohei Flair
Level 5 Feature: +2 Insight and Perception
Level 10 Feature: +1 Power Bonus to saving throws against fear effects and effects that leave dazed, dominated, or stunned.
I guess my lack of connection to my own family was simply due to the duties they placed upon me, which served to distance me from them. Of course I don't resent them, I would be completely person if they had done otherwise, and I would of missed out on a lot of experiences that are precious to me. I probably might not even be sailing the Astral Sea...
I was sent to be trained in monastery far from my homeland, high up in the mountains. Who I am begins there. The region was dominated by the mountains, known as the Mountain of Fear, the Burning Mountain and other such names. Probably due to the fact it was believed that they marked the entrance to hell, a journey that is marked by following the river that flowed up into the mountains. Of course which hell it lead to remains a mystery to me.
My monastery was run by blind shaman priestesses, prophets who would commune to the dead for the usual stuff, they were my task givers. I was trained to be their sword and their eyes. But I was fine with that, if I could live my life by the sword, I would be satisfied. I think that's probably why I integrated so well, the studies, the training; everything came so natural. Even now I seek perfection; the unification of body, mind, and sword.
And I think in many cases I probably would still be living under their word...
Common, Deep Speech
Size: Medium
Speed: 6-squares
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Athletics
Danger Sense: +2 Initiative
Defended Mind: +2 to saving throws against effects that daze, dominate, or stun
Iron Mind: Encounter Immediate Interrupt; Personal Trigger: Hit by an attack Effect: +2 to all defenses until end of next turn
Class/Paragon Path/Epic Destiny Features
Armor of Faith:While neither wearing heavy armor nor using a shield, gain a +3 bonus to AC
Avenger's Censure (Censure of Pursuit):DEX mod +2/4/6 to damage rolls against Oath of Enmity target that willingly moves away until end of next turn
Channel Divinity:
Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead Encounter * Divine, Implement, Radiant Standard Action Close Burst 5 Target: One undead creature in burst Attack: Wisdom vs Will
Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance
Oath of Enmity: test
Ardent Champion
Holy Ardor (Level 11): When making 2 attack rolls due to Oath of Enmity feature, score a critical hit on doubles, except if both dice are 1's
Ardent Action (Level 11):When spending action point, you may also make a saving throw or shift a number of squares equal to DEX mod
Athletics +16, Endurance +12, Perception +18, Religion +12, Stealth +15
Acrobatics +11, Arcana +6, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +10, Heal +10, History +6, Insight +12, Intimidate +4, Nature +10, Streetwise +4, Thievery +9
Two-Handed Expertise: +1/2/3 Feat Bonus to Attack Rolls made with a two-handed melee weapon. In addition, while wielding a two-handed melee weapon, gain a +1/2/3 to charge attacks made with a two-handed melee weapon. (Heroes of the Feywild)
Improved Armor of the Faith: +1/2/3 bonus to AC while not wearing heavy armor or wielding a shield
Level 1: Githzerai Blade Master: Prof. w/ military heavy blades, bastard sword, and fullblade. In addition, while wielding those weapons, gain +2/3/4 to damage rolls. (Dragon 378)
Level 2: Battle Awareness [Multiclass Fighter]: Gain training from one skill in fighter's class skill list [Endurance]. Once per encounter, when an enemy adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, make a basic melee attack as an immediate interrupt. (Martial Power)
Level 4: Deadly Draw: When you pull/slide an enemy adjacent to you, gain CA against that target. (PHB 3)
Level 6: Power of Skill: +1 feat bonus to all trained skills. Use Overwhelming Strike as a basic attack. (Divine Power)
Level 8: Power of Strength: +2 feat bonus to Athletics. Gain +2/3/4 bonus to damage rolls when using Overwhelming Strike. (Divine Power)
Level 10: Power Attack: Trade -2 penalty to attack rolls to gain a +2/4/6 (+3/6/9 Two-Handed) bonus to damage rolls. (PHB1) [Retrained from Blade Opportunist at Lvl 11]
Level 11: Painful Oath: The first time you hit your oath of enmity target each turn, you deal extra radiant and necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. (Dragon 382)
Avenger At-Will: Overwhelming Strike
Avenger At-Will: Focused Fury
Avenger Encounter 1: Angelic Alacrity
Avenger Daily 1: Aspect of Might
Racial: Iron Mind
Sohei Encounter 1: Sohei Flair
Avenger Utility 2: Loyal Sanction
Avenger Encounter 3: Fury's Advance
Avenger Daily 5: Bond of Foresight
Avenger Utility 2: Holy Blessing
Avenger Encounter 7: Relentless Stride
Avenger Daily 9: Blade of Repulsion
Endurance Utility 10: Reactive Surge
Ardent Champion Encounter 11: Fanatical Flurry
Items and Equipment
Weapon: Jagged Fullblade +3
Implement: Symbol of Victory +2
Armor: Repulsion Armor +1 (Cloth)
Arms: Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic)
Feet: Boots of the Fencing Master
Hands: Strikebacks
Neck: Cloak of Distortion +2
Waist: Muleback Harness (Heroic)
Adventurer's Kit
Climber's Kit
Footpads - +1 Stealth Checks to move silently
Fine Clothing
Ink Vial
Journal with Keylock
Gold: 108
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