Forgotten Freedom:Lisa

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9th level

LG Paladin of the Silver Flame

Lisa Hopeforge is a Paladin chosen by the Silver flame to do battle with the forces of darkness. Unfortunately, the dead sexy looks-like-a-pinup-model seems like a comic book fanboy's wet dream woman has the SLIGHTTTTTTT issue that she has a rather unfortunate temper. Suffice to say, she sees evil...she smites it. This has lead to some embarrassing situations with the papacy's diplomacy and everyone from Karrnath to Darguun. It got to the point that the redheaded warrior was almost excommunicated from the faith, which would have been extremely embarrassing as she's also of the Royal Family of Thrane. The new Pontiff Jaela came up with the idea then to 'Quest' her and using her mighty magics, then sent Lisa Hopeforge on a mission to spend a month of her life with neer'do'wells under the firm indictment to not fight their evil with violent means but instead fight evil with words. This was to teach her about the potential for redemption in all beings. According to the stipulations of her quest, she has to start over everytime she uses violence to solve her problems. ....Lisa has been with the crew five years now. Lisa has occasionally thought about killing the entire crew and finding another less-demanding group to spend her time with but she must confess that the crew seems to have the curious property of managing to stop much more dangerous evils whenever she's about sure they all deserve to be annihilated. Rajahs, Daelkyr, Demon Princes, Emerald Claw, and so on. On some TWISTED, REPRESSED, and BIZARRE part of her soul...she even likes several of the members. Lisa's interactions with the crew mostly consist of her (nonviolent according to her) use of a Hammer of Healing that she keeps in her breast plate of holding to beat the living snot out of crewmembers but also not leave them any physically worse off afterwards. She hits them whenever she feels they're being perverted, evil, stupid, or crude....thus someones usually in immense pain. This is likenable to the "Ninja Girl" (another female onboard the ship)'s use of a paper fan. Sadly, Lisa's quest is doomed to fail as she unknowingly has been excommunicated a few thousand tims by the Church for mere association with the group.