Dayrell's Vault at Arduum
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
- Main Page; Dayrell Goldenbrow
- Jewel-6000 - wt 10
- Catherine's Crown Jewels (12000) - wt 70
- Jewel (10000) - wt 10
- Jewels (1400, 900) - wt 20
- 5 gems (500 gp each = 2500
- 5 gems (1000 gp each) = 5000
- 1 piece of silk (200gp)
Rayna's Loot
- 5 gems (5000 gp each) = 25000
- 2 gems (25000 gp each) = 50000
- 2 gems (50000 gp each) = 100000
- 2 jewels (1000 gp each) = 2000
- 2 jewels (3000 gp each) = 6000
- 2 jewels (7000 gp each) = 14000
- 2 jewels (20000 gp each) = 40000
- 55500 gp
- 8750 pp
- Coins: 600 pp