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Revision as of 16:37, 9 January 2014 by The Wyzard (talk | contribs)
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Rook, an Artificial Intelligence

  • Class: AI
  • Level 5
  • 17,178/32,080XP
  • HP: 20 AC: 4 or 7


  • Strength: (12)
  • Dexterity: (12)
  • Constitution: (12)
  • Intelligence: 18 +2
  • Wisdom: 12
  • Charisma: 12


  • Attack Bonus: +1
    • Attack: Thermal Pistol. +2 hit, 2d6 damage, Range 25/50.
  • Saving Throws: 14 (-1 per three levels)
  • AC: 7 or 4
  • HP: 20


  • Languages: English, French, Hindustani, Japanese
  • Skills:
    • Combat/Energy Weapon 0
    • Combat/Gunnery 0
    • Computer 1
    • Culture/Nyx Cluster 0
    • Culture/Spacer 0
    • History 0
    • Navigation 1
    • Science 1
    • Security 1
    • Stealth 0
    • Steward 1
    • Tech/Astronautics 1
    • Tech/Medical 1
    • Tech/Postech 1
    • Tech/Pretech 1
    • Vehicle/Grav 0
    • Vehicle/Space 1
  • Skill point progression 3/level, 5 tolerance

Tolerance & Armatures

  • Total Base Tolerance: 17.
  • Armature: Echo.
  • 1 Phylactery installed in a Squawkbox concealed on Tenebrous Station



  • Armored Undersuit (0)
  • Compad (0)
  • Thermal Pistol 5/5 (1)
  • Dataslab (1)
  • Metatool (1)
  • 3 type A power cells. (0)
  • 3 Glowbugs (0)
  • Lazarus Patch (1)
  • Bioscanner (1)
  • Survey Scanner (1)
  • TL4 Backpack


  • Astronautic Toolkit (3)
  • Postech Toolkit (3)
  • Medkit (2)
  • 6 Type A Power Cells. (1)
  • 5,000Cr


  • Combat Field Uniform
  • Plasma Projector
  • 15,000Cr