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Revision as of 16:38, 27 January 2014 by Jhkim (talk | contribs)
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Writing this the next morning, I am unsure what to think. On the one hand, the incursion turned out vastly less bloody than I had thought. I have heard no word of civilian casualties, but it seems as if they may be in the hundreds rather than the thousands or millions. I feel terrible because this news does not make me happy. It makes me wonder if something worse will happen elsewhere, or if my whole vision of this as the End of Times may be wrong. What did I make this sacrifice for in that case.

It began with a walk along Central Park, with no sign yet of the enemy, heading for Columbus Circle based on report that there was a problem there. Jack and I went with Robert Krusemark, along with a former Guardian (?) named Miles and a sailor named Sinclair, along with six Seelie guards.

The park and area at first seemed peaceful, but a fog was drifting into the Second Church of Christ Scientist - that soon proved deadly, killing several civilians who walked into it and disintegrating their bodies.

Going into the park, there was a soft spot in reality like a pool on the ground, from which were coming hellhounds. be continued...