Savage Worlds Accursed CharacterThiago

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Thiago Giomari

Mongrel (Manreia); Novice (0 XP); Male

Racial Package: Spirit costs double, -2 Charisma, +2 free Edges or Monstrous Abilities

Agility d4; Smarts d4; Spirit d4; Strength d10; Vigor d8;

Charisma: -2; Parry: 4; Toughness: 9 (2); Personal Resource Die: d6

Athletics [Agility] d4

Fighting [Agility] d4

Gambling [Smarts] d4

Guts [Spirit] d4

Healing [Smarts] d4

Intimidation [Spirit] d4

Investigation [Smarts] d4

Knowledge (Anatomy) [Smarts] d4

Knowledge (Geology) [Smarts] d4

Knowledge (Plants) [Smarts] d4

Notice [Smarts] d4

Repair [Smarts] d4

Taunt [Smarts] d4

Throwing [Agility] d4

Tracking [Smarts] d4


Unarmed Strike - STR+d4+2; Reach 1

Brigandine with hood - Armor +2, covers T, A

Throwing Axe - 3/6/12; STR(d10)+d6 damage

2 weeks of food and water

Standard adventuring gear

Hindrances: Bad Luck (Major), Obligation (Minor, Order of the Penitent), Phobia (Minor, Water)

Edges: Brawler (+2 to all unarmed Fighting attacks), Nerves of Steel (Ignore one level of wound penalties)

Animal Components: Long Limbs (+1 Reach) [Gorilla Arms], Brawny (+1 Toughness, can lift and carry lots of extra weight) [Gorilla Body]

0 of 3 Wounds

0 of 2 Fatigue Levels

1 of 2 Bennies (Soak roll for Wounds, remove Shaken)