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I am: Ghost

I'm played by: Caias Ward



Role: Raid Commander

Dramatic Poles:

History: I'm Ghost, the raid commander, although not the best fighter. Years ago, a battle went poorly and we were thought dead. My childhood name was abandoned when I 'returned' from the dead with a few of the men, my skill at stealth and tactics letting us escape a much larger force and warn the tribe of the approaching danger.

The People In My Life

Character Player Relationship What I Want From Him/Her Dramatic Poles
Character Here Player Here Relationship Here What Want Dramatic Poles

What Can I Do

Rank Action How I Do It
Strong Action How I Do It
Strong Action How I Do It
Middling Action How I Do It
Middling Action How I Do It
Middling Action How I Do It
Weak Action How I Do It
Weak Action How I Do It