Area Surrounding Farkeep
1 - Woodmere: Location of water spirit which is troubling the goblins.
2 - Goblin Village: Goblin artisans live who sell glittering trinkets and devices that deceive their buyers
3 - Far Keep (headquarters for the group): Contains 2 towers, one used by Glixi the pixie wizard and the other was used by the old keep wizard. We have explored the old tower already and found a series of catacombs beneath it which lead to the Gate to the Green Star, which is presumably a way of teleporting to the Green Star (not verified yet).
4 - River Troll: Smarter than the average troll (did we actually kill the troll or did he run off?)
5 - Bandit Camp: Cleared by the party.
6 - Crossroads: a black dog haunts the way. He was not seen for many a year, but the green star's light has rekindled the spectre. Have we dealt with this one?
7 - Hidden Tomb: This is where the vampire supposedly hides.
8 - Vanishing Tower: Some kind of magic tower which appears? We haven't investigated this at all.
9 - Satyr Lands.
10 - Big Lake: A large serpent overturns fisherfolks' boats and devours them. There are all manner of great fish there too. And bullywugs that raid from the far shore.