Ten Ox Bellows
Physical Description
- Gender: Female
- Age: 17 years
- Height: 5’4”
- Weight: 160 lbs.'
- Hair Color: Brown
- Hair Style: Shoulder length and in tangles
- Clothes: Very nicely made linen blouse, pants and overcoat, all well-washed but covered in stains
Wandering Daughter of the Legendary Swordsmith
- Ten Ox Bellows is the only daughter (with 3 brothers) of the legendary smith and warrior, Red Horse Bridle. She was named for the cry she gave when the midwife slapped her back to life- a cry her mother mistook for that of the oxen in their yard. Her mother died during the birth of her youngest brother, and her father basically raised her the same as her brothers for six years until he remarried. While at first overjoyed to have a mother to teach her to be a woman, this did not last and Ten Ox Bellows found herself chafing at the sudden new restrictions and expectations on her life. Finally, after her father cut her time training in the forge to spend more time with her new step-mother, Ten Ox Bellows took her hammers, her toughest clothes, and her best boots and set out into the world.
Trouble: Eat, Sleep, Fight, Love
- Ten Ox Bellows has very simple desires in life. Foremost of these desires is to live for her simple desires. Ten Ox Bellows lives from day to day, giving no thought to the needs of tomorrow or any but the most immediate consequences of her actions. This may save her much worry and grief, but it causes her many problems, from near-pauperhood to constant drama and conflict as she acts shamelessly on her base insticts and desires.
Involve Me and I'll Understand
- Ten Ox Bellows is not stupid, but to those who don't know her she can seem a bit thick. While she was forced to learn to read, she never does so by choice and memorization is a lost cause for her. But Ten Ox Bellows isn't bothered by this. She knows what she has held in her hands and heard from her friends. She can learn by being shown, but she truly excels by getting involved. And Ten Ox Bellows is always ready to get involved. No project or endeavor is too strange or to dangerous, as long as it promises excitement, great effort or a challenge to her skills.
Talk Straight and Swing Wide
- Ten Ox Bellows understands the concept of deception and polite double-talk. She just doesn't believe in practicing it. Much better to say what you mean to say, insult who you mean to insult, settle the matter with the end of your fists, and apologize if you are still friends in the morning.
Tears Cannot Put Out a Fire
- Ten Ox Bellows has had it drilled into her since childhood by her parents that it is effort and action, not emotions and passivity, that dull pain. If your arms hurt today, the cure is to pump harder in the forge tomorrow. If your heart is broken, labor until you can feel nothing but the pumping of your blood. If you are threatened, raise a wall or strike a blow. Cry, but only in the presence of others, so that they may know the depths of your tragedy and affirm your declaration that you will endure and be stronger for it all.
Great +4: Physique
Good +3: Athletics, Will
Fair +2: Craft, Fight, Provoke
Average +1: Chi, Contacts, Notice, Rapport
Forms and Techniques
Form: Forged Master Style (Stone Tiger Style)
- A strong, direct style based upon the muscles and discipline built up by decades hammering at the forge. Red Horse Bridle developed the style after settling down from his young warrior days, and is the only known master. Forged Master style is meant to be used with twin hammers, though it is effective also for bare-handed brawling.
Forged master is an entirely ground-based style, combining slow, deliberate movements with sudden lunges. Nearly all movements in Forged Master style are wide, sweeping swings, but the style's strength comes from their incredible speed, precision and the control the master has over the position of his hammers at all times. An opponent attacking an apparently open master of the style will find every blow slamming into the heads of solid steel hammers.
Stone Resists the Blow: Ten Ox Bellows gains 2 armor against any physical attack she is aware of.
Tiger Moves with Purpose: Move at least one zone and make an attack using Athletics, or make an attack using Athletics against a target who just moved into your zone. This attack adds 2 shifts to any stress inflicted with that attack.
Tiger Rends the Flesh: When Ten Ox Bellows ties on an attack that is defended against with Fight, she can inflict a 2-stress hit instead of gaining a boost.
Hammer-blow: Get +2 to Physique rolls to Overcome or Create Advantage by breaking things.
Refuge in Audacity: When Succeeding At a Cost by bulling through or ignoring opposition in a social situation, you may generate a Boost related to your disruption of social expectations.
Forged by Steel: You may use Physique instead of Chi as long as you have taken at least one consequence representing physical exhaustion or injury this battle or scene. In battle, this will allow you to make Chi Armor rolls during the battle even if you did not succeed at the beginning of the battle.
Other Information
Jianghu Rank 1
Refresh: 2
Physical stress: OOOO
Mental stress: OOOO
Mild Consequence:
Moderate Consequence:
Severe Consequence:
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