An Operation DMC resource
Side Quests
Don't know if these stay constant between worlds. Some probably do. Some don't.
Could use some help filling these in, Amber.
Not a chance. I'm staying well away from this one. Side quests are a critical part of your development, guys. You have to figure them out yourselves. I am officially restricting side quest information to First Runthrough Amber, and she doesn't have a computer at the moment so you're out of luck for the time being.
Although, if anyone can get down to the Battlefield in the next few days, it would probably not hurt, hint hint. - apocryphalConsolation
Pick up enough Boondollars and you can buy fraymotifs. They are worth it. They are really powerful moves that can help out in a lot of fights. Sometimes, finishing off the right boss or unlocking the right area will net you a discount. Any specifics will be noted below as they're discovered.
The Postal Service
Prospit having trouble with postal deliveries. Will accept part-time workers from any Prospitian Hero. If you can get mail from Prospit offworld, very lucrative early-game resource gathering system. Guide suggested "Dream Modus" key to rapid delivery, not sure how to acquire one.
Abraxas captured plot-critical Consorts on Hope planet. Correct actions may be able to secure release of said consorts without releasing Abraxas, granting edge in Denizen showdown. In my world, this means finding small totems that turn trees back into people. Presumably different on Lily's world.