Three Kingdoms\Chi Powers

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Light Foot

The Light Foot power set is about motion and physical prowess

  • Withdraw: With a successful Water saving throw do not draw attacks when leaving melee at full speed.
  • Sprint/Leap: Move up to full speed as a free action.
  • Wall Running: Move up to half speed along a vertical surface as a free action.
  • Climb/Fall: Move vertically up to half speed as a free action.
  • Sure-footed: Ignore penalties to movement when moving up to half speed.
  • Rock-Steady: No penalty when standing on a narrow surface so long as it is stable (rock, gate).
    • Take twice to no longer need the surface to be stable (rope or chain).

Iron Body

  • Cloak of Chi: Ignore extreme temperatures when determining if a saving throw is needed in the wilderness. Gain hit points equal to the HD of your class.
  • Feel No Pain: With a successful Wood save you may ignore the effects of being Wounded for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 level + con bonus. Gain hit points equal to the HD of your class.
  • Cleanse the Blood: Once per day, the character may choose one of the following effects: regain 2 hit points per level, make an additional save to shrug off a poison or disease.
    • This ability may be taken up to 3 times.
  • Iron Skin: With a successful Metal saving throw increase AC by +2 for a number of rounds equal to half level + con bonus.
  • Strong Defense: +2 to saving throws to resist being stunned, knocked out or delayed.
    • Take twice to get +4.

Perfect Action

  • Second Hand: Take any action that is not an attack or a move as a free action 1/round.
    • Take twice to allow the bonus action to be a move.
      • Take three times to allow it to be an unarmed attack.
  • Vigilance: With a successful Fire saving throw negate being surprised or any bonus an enemy has due to ambush or advantage.
    • Take twice and when you make the save all allies within half your normal speed also negate the effects.
  • Speed: Increase initiative by +1.
    • Take twice for +2.
      • Take three times and with a Fire saving throw the character automatically wins initiative.

Inner Power

  • Improvised Shield: You may treat a harmless object as a shield or defensive weapon and gain the AC bonus even if you are not normally able to use shields.
  • Hidden Blade: You may treat harmless objects as Common Weapons.
    • Take twice to emulate Major weapons. The object must have a resemblence to the weapon emulated.
  • Invisible Armor: You may treat normal clothing as light armor and gain the AC bonus even if not normally able to use armor.
  • Shatter Wood: With a successful attack throw you may destroy a wooden object such as a chair, scaffold or wall. The attack throw is penalized by the size of the object.
  • Shatter Stone: With a successful attack throw you may destroy a stone object such as a boulder, coffin or wall. The attack throw is penalized by the size of the object.
  • Shatter Steel: With a successful attack throw you may destroy a metal object such as a sword, gong or gate. The attack throw is penalized by the size of the object and type of metal (-0 for bronze, -2 for iron).
  • Directed Chi: Normally all Inner Power abilities work only when you touch the object. With Directed Chi you may extend the effects long enough to either throw the object or to use a Shatter ability with a held or throw object. The range is limited to half your normal speed.

Hidden Shadow

  • The Dark Veil: +2 to proficiency throws for stealth while remaining still.
    • Take twice to also gain the bonus while moving.
  • The Secret Veil: You may conceal a number of small objects (no larger than a knife or throwing spike) equal to Dex bonus + number of Hidden Shadow abilities you possess. No normal search will reveal them.
  • The Path of Shadows: +4 to proficiency throws on any movement abilty so long as you are not observed.
  • The Path of Ghosts: You may attempt to become hidden even without suitable cover.
    • Take twice and you can attempt to vanish even if being directly observed.

Artisan's Hand

  • The Hand that Mends: +2 to proficiency throws to repair or restore objects
  • The Hand that Creates: +2 to proficiency throws to create objects or works.
  • The Hand that Acts: Reduce all crafting times by half. If used to earn money increase earned amount by 50%.
  • The Hand that Inspires: On a successful proficiency throw all items/works crafted are of quality 1 step greater than normal for the materials/time required.
  • The Sharp Mind: +1 to proficiency throws for all skills using Intelligence.
    • Take twice for +2.
  • The Tranquil Mind: Ignore all penalties due to distractions.
  • Library of the Mind: With a successful Water save the character can perfectly recall an image, words in a scroll, or piece of music and reproduce it if they have the correct proficiency. If the character has the Loremastery proficiency they also get +2 to throws to use it.

Inner Eye

  • The Keen Eye: +2 on all proficiency throws to hear noise, spot or otherwise passively perceive.
  • The Sharp Sense: As an action double the range/effect of one sense that you concentrate on.
  • The Outer Eye: With a Water saving throw ignore any penalty due to loss of sense or surprise or to negate the bonus enemies get from flanking.
    • Take twice to no longer need to make a saving throw, you can no longer suffer any penalty for loss of senses, surprise or being flanked.
  • Mask of Serenity: +1 to reaction rolls.
    • Take twice for +2.
      • Take three times to also improve the morale of henchmen by +1 while in your presence.
  • Resist Chi: +2 bonus to saving throws against the effects of chi abilities.
  • Resist Manipulation: +2 bonus to saving throws against any attempt to manipulate, intimidate or deceive.

Art of War

  • Spring Breeze: With a Metal saving throw the commander's calm demeanor suppresses the results of a unit's failed save or morale check for a number of rounds equal to half the commander's level. If the condition that caused the check persists at the end of this period the unit must re-check morale.
  • Gentle Rain: Negate the morale penalties due to lack of supplies. The unit must still make periodic morale checks due to lack of supply but the penalty does not increase with each period.
  • Rolling Thunder: Increase the number of units that can be personally commanded by 1.
  • Green Bamboo: Gain a bonus on the morale checks of units lead personally equal to the BF risked in that round's foray.
  • Drawn Breath: With a Wood save personally lead units may ignore the fatigue penalty due to a forced march or heightened alertness.
  • Observe the Dragon: With a Water save increase the Strategic rating of the commander by +1.