Alexandria of Cyrene
Baroness of Reason, Logos Potnia
- Aspect: 3 (5/5)
- Domain: 1 (5/5)
- Persona: 3 (5/5)
- Treasure: 0 (5/5)
- Skill: Historian (3)
- Skill: Singing (1)
- Passion: I love books (2)
- Passion: People can improve themselves (2)
- Affliction: Even if I want to forget, I remember everything (2)
- Bond: I can't let knowledge be destroyed or hidden (4)
- Bond: I must teach those willing to learn (3)
- Bond: I must oppose ignorance (2)
- Bond: I do not fear. Fear is the mind-killer (2)
Estate Properties
- Reason overcomes instinct (2)
- Reason is immortal (3)
- Reason is driven to understand (2)
- Gift: Elusive (1)
- Gift: Unblemished Guise (1)
- Gift: Know The Truth +1 Strike (2)
((+2 Lesser Divination of Falsehood +1 Automatic -1 Local Area -2 Limited Use +1 Uncommon, total 1 CP) You can automatically tell truth from falsehood, spoken or written. You won't know what the truth actually is, but you will know which parts are false and why.)
As immortal as her domain, Alexandra first came into the world in the early days of the fourth century BC, born as free as a woman could be in that era - which was not nearly free enough for her. A long history on the wrong end of intolerance and ignorance has left Alexandra with a deep-seated rage at people like her former tormenters, a fury that has survived the transition into adulthood and stayed with her when she took the chance to become the Power of Reason. Yet, it isn't just her own experiences that drive her to such anger - she knows full well that humans can be wonderfully intelligent beings. Just look at Galileo, Hypatia, Turing ...
... and how people treated them.
As the Power of Reason, Alexandra intervenes to preserve knowledge that would be lost and to inspire and teach those willing to learn and use their brains. But she is a harsh teacher - those unwilling to learn quickly earn her contempt, and those who actively oppose her aims inevitably provoke her fury.
Bound to teach all who come to her willing to learn, Alexandra has a scattered group of students across the prosaic world, mostly mortal with one recent exception. Currently, Alexandra has no idea just what her student Rose actually is. Magical in some way, but Alexandra is enjoying the challenge of finding out for herself.
Rose is also one of Alexandra's greatest successes; formerly narrow-minded and given to acting on her preconceptions and prejudices, Rose has since come around more in line with Alexandra's aims, seeking understanding rather than continuing to believe she knows all she needs to.