Skill challenge complexity 1 (4 successes before 2 failures) per crocodile.
Primary skills: Athletics, Heal, Nature, Perception
Each skill can only be used to accomplish 1 success towards the overall skill challenge unless noted otherwise.
Part 1 – Battling the Beasts
Making any of the checks listed below during combat require a minor action. A failed check counts as 1 failure for that particular crocodile.
Athletics (DC 14, maximum 2 successes) You make an Athletics check before any melee attack. If successful you make a melee attack and deal damage normally. The combination of a successful Athletics check and a successful hit cause minimal damage to the crocodile's skin and counts as one success in the skill challenge.
Heal (DC 19) This use of Heal can only be attempted on a wolf that has already taken damage.
You notice a vital area of the crocodile that has already been damaged. Direct your next attack to that spot may cause it additional pain. If successful, you deal +1d6 damage on your next attack if you hit.
Nature (DC 12, maximum 2 successes) You are familiar with the crocodiles’ anatomy and can direct blows to areas that are more likely to drop the beasts more quickly. +1 to the next attack made by you or an ally.
Perception (DC 14, maximum 2 successes) You make a Perception check before any ranged attack. If successful you make a ranged attack and deal damage normally. The combination of a successful Perception check and a successful hit cause minimal damage to the crocodile's skin and counts as one success in the skill challenge.
Perception (DC 14) This use of Perception can only be attempted on a crocodile that has already taken damage.
You notice a vital area of the crocodile that has already been damaged. Direct your next attack to that spot may cause it additional pain. If successful, you deal +1d6 damage on your next attack if you hit.
Part 2 – Skinning the Beasts
Perception (DC 8, assist) You provide direction regarding where and what to cut. +2 to the next Nature check.
Nature (DC 12, maximum 4 successes) You know how to field dress the animals taking only the parts of the corpses that will be valuable.
Religion (DC 12) If you worship a nature deity, you can say a prayer for the fallen crocodiles.
Part 3 – The Reward
100 xp per successful skinning. xx sp per skin.