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Liberty men

Ink Spot, Master of Disguise

Ink Spot was an abnormality amongst super champions even before they had set in stone the 'rules' about the way they were supposed to be. A well adjusted coffee shop owner and restaurateur, he had no particular reason to become a super champion when it was more or less forced upon him. The fact that he chose to give a game effort towards using the abilities for good despite his untrained nature would mark him as a special type of hero.

George Stein was never particularly clear on the details of how he acquired the Shadow Wand himself but it was a situation that took root in another solar system. Thran scientist Kalor Toman was an inventor whom longed to build a machine that could harvest the power of dark matter for good. He eventually created a device that gave him potentially unlimited power and used it to fight evil. With his home planet being largely peaceful, Kalor traveled the galaxy doing good works. Tsavong marauders then attacked him and though he managed to fight them off, he only had enough strength to travel to the nearest planet. Kalor Toman died not soon after landing and passing the Shadow Wand onto the first mortal that he encountered.

George was a decent and noble man though with a strong sense of morality that had been instilled into him by his Rabbi father. Hiding away the Shadow Wand, he managed to practice with it to develop a control over its light manipulation powers. George Stein could become the appearance of anyone or anything with the strange object. When the Tsavong eventually came looking for the wand, Antaeus and Greywing found themselves aided by someone possessed of the cunning to use it to trick them into defeating themselves. When the media tried to find out whom he was, he covered his face with a black inky illusion that gave him forever the moniker of Ink Spot.

George Stein eventually mastered the martial arts from Karate King and became the Detective of the group with his own private studies. It was Ink Spot's mind combined with Greywings that provided the answers to many of their most baffling mysteries. Ink Spot was never the most powerful member of the group but he was one of the few members of the group that everyone could call their friend. It was during this time that he met the first woman of their organization in Jenny Sprockets.

The events of World War 2 had left George deeply shaken, especially in what he had discovered had been the fate of so many of his fellow Jews. George began to think of his own mortality and the fact that he had no family to call his own. It was a natural thing when he proposed to Jenny and she accepted. The two of them retired from the Minutemen and had twin children when Anateus publicly outed them to the world.

George Stein and Jenny managed to bear the scandal by moving to Europe until people had forgotten about the Minutemen’s accomplishments. George did not mind this, though he never forgave Antaeus for what he’d done. George Stein died peacefully in his bed during the 1990s.

Greywing, Masked Vigilante

Greywing was born Jose Santos and was one of the first Luchadore wrestlers in Mexico after spending several years in Texas learning about wrestling as he worked as a Ranch Hand. His career made him one of the most popular of acts in his land even as criminal activity was already entering its way into the matches. Jose was approached with an offer of money to lose one of his more elaborate competition and he refused it. The violent hoodlums proceeded then to murder Jose's lover and her child that he had taken to as his own. Jose's wrath was tremendous and he murdered all of the parties responsible before fleeing back to the United States.

Jose found conditions in that country no better than those of his own country for crime. His wrath was enraged and taking the pistol that had been used to murder his loved ones, he wore the costume of Greywing the Wrestler to hunt the evildoers once more. The owl theme costumed was modified to strike terror into the hearts of criminals rather than excite the crowds and his early actions reflected the brutality that had come into his heart. Like the Lurking Phantom, he killed rather than captured. None of the criminals that he killed were not murderers themselves but it resulted in an oppressive toll on his heart.

Greywing's life changed when Antaeus recruited him into the Minutemen. Antaeus offered him repentance for his sins and a chance to let go of the hatred in his heart. Greywing distinguished himself in battle against the Nazis and foreign agents on numerous occasions. He became the mind of the Minutemen even as Antaeus was its heart and soul.

It was clear after the fall of the Third Reich that the Minutemen weren't necessary anymore even as he made game effort to continue making the world a better place. Jose ("Joe") Santos knew also that they were getting older and eventually would no longer be able to continue the fight. Greywing believed that this was something that was to looked forward to as he had developed strong feelings for one of his former villains in Lady Larceny. That Ink Spot and Jenny Sprockets were married was the final nail in the Minutemen's coffin as far as Jose was concerned. It was a shame that Karate King and Antaeus didn't see it that way.

The collapse of the Minutemen with the revelation of their secret identity forced Jose to go into hiding even as he broke up with Lady Larcency over the event. He continued fighting crime until Lord Fury was finally captured after a disastrous encounter with Rembrandt. The event destroyed his love of super heroics and he retired soon after. Now Jose Santos, another anonymous citizen of a major city with a famous name, works to better peoples lives through other methods as a social worker.

Antaeus aka Titanman, World's First Costumed Crusader

The image of Antaeus smashing a gangster's car against the side of a rock remains one of the most immortal images in all of super heroics. It was an image printed by LIFESTYLE and TIMES on their covers while being woven into the hearts of every person that viewed it. When Antaeus appeared, he captured the attention of the nation and became known as the greatest super champion on Earth. The fact that he eventually became an informant and tool of the government before dying in disgrace is something that only makes the dichotomy of the hero that much more sad.

Anateus was born Anthony Atlas and he was a Greek nationalist that immigrated from his native country to America upon the promise of a better land. He arrived illegally even as he soon passed himself off as a native son during the Great Depression. Antaeus eventually used his natural charisma and charm to get himself a position as a crime reporter. That exposed him to the levels of corruption and horror that were in his new home. Anthony Atlas then decided to do something about it. Few could have possibly imagined that he had the ability to change the course of human destiny.

Antaeus' family was not named Atlas without reason and in fact was descended from the Greek Titan. As long as their family honored the Old Gods, they were bestowed upon incredible strength that allowed them to draw upon the strength of Gaia so long as their feet touched the Earth. While it may seem foolish that Antaeus would advertise his weakness by naming himself after the giant Hercules defeated, Greek Mythology was not so common amongst hoodlums in the 1930s. It didn't matter anyway since Antaeus' red and blue costume was emblazoned with a symbol of Grecian meaning that more properly resembled a T. This lead to the press dubbing him Titanman despite his later protests.

Anthony Atlas was the founder of the Minutemen with Greywing and helped recruit most of the others. He foiled countless Axis plots and was honored numerous times by Franklin Roosevelt. Had he been born a citizen of the United States, or willing to fake it, he might have been able to become President of the United States. People adored the clean wholesome morality that Antaeus endorsed and he gave equally back to them.

The fall of Titanman was like a tragedy of his homeland for it was the result of a woman. Anthony Atlas had many virtues but he suffered from pride and was something of a chauvinist. Liberal by the standards of his day, Anthony Atlas resented the appearance of Jenny Sprockets in the Minutemen even as he also was disturbed at the realization she was more powerful than he. The press picked up upon this during several encounters that were personally humiliating. With the Depression over and the Axis defeated, the Minutemen had started to look less necessary. The realization they might soon break up terrified the man with thoughts of irrelevance.

Anthony Atlas became a crusader for Mystery Men to give up their secret identities even as he hoped it would allow his fellow heroes to receive the accolades that he believed they deserved. He thus exposed publicly the identities of his fellow Minutemen and unwittingly destroyed their lives. Karate King's suicide soon after was followed by the murder of Anthony's wife Leslie Long. Antaeus disappeared and only later emerged as the terrible Lord Fury. A killer and punisher of wrongs that eventually avenged his wife's death but at the price of removing his last reason to live.

Antaeus died in a Mental Hospital, never regaining lucidity, in 1963.

Kung Fu King, Martial Arts Master

Francis Llyod Prescott was possibly the first black superhero. Few people knew this until his unmasking years later. He was not a member of the Minutemen until World War 2 but managed to distinguish himself as one of the best of them. His tragic death is something that does not cheapen his legacy for countless Americans that looked up to him as a man whom fought for justice both behind a mask and then without one.

Kung Fu King was born in New Orleans and eventually joined the United States Army to fight against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. Francis’ career was cut short early on when his commanding officer surrendered. It was foolish pride that caused Francis to try and escape but he eventually did and ended up in the company of another escapee.

Ho Chin was a member of the White Lotus Society that had journeyed to Japan to try and sabotage their efforts from within the country. Though his relationship with the black G.I. Was initially prickly, the two managed to befriend each other. Ho Chin proceeded to instruct Francis in the arts of the numerous Kung Fu forms that he’d mastered along with swordsmanship.

Kung Fu King managed to free hundreds of his fellow prisoners and escaped to Hawaii onboard a stolen Japanese freighter in one of the most peculiar stories in the war. His actions were recognized by Antaeus and Greywing, whom believed that Francis Llyod could put his skills to use better as a Minuteman than as a common infantryman. Because Llyod didn’t want to cause trouble with the authorities, he wore the full body costume that would be his trademark. It would be a decision he could come to regret.

After the end of World War 2, Kung Fu King grew disgusted with the treatment of his fellow black Americans and revealed his secret identity to the world under the advice of Antaeus. Many Americans were shocked by Francis Llyod Prescott’s true color and it resulted in a major scandal for the heroes. It also electrified many as proof of anyone able to be a superhero.

Francis Prescott’s initial activism was cut short by the murder of his wife and eldest daughter by the serial killer Rembrandt. Having made himself a public figure, he’d exposed them to danger and they’d paid the price. Kung Fu King committed suicide soon afterwards. Conspiracy theories abound to this day that he did not kill himself but was instead murdered by the government or faked his death to continue the fight against evil.