Character:Billy "Little Bear" Quan
This is a PC for the Dresden Files RPG game Bucket Trip.
Billy "Little Bear" Quan
Templates: Emmisary of Power
Powers: Marked By Power (–1), Swift Transition (–2), Channeling: Spirit (-2), Item of Power (-2)
Adjusted Refresh: 2
High Concept: “Knight of the Celestial Lion”
Trouble: “Disharmonious Soul”
Background: “Filbert Street Brawler”
Rising Conflict: "You don't find Shangri La, Shangri La finds you"
First Adventure: "The best Defense is a fast Offense"
Guest Starring: ???
Guest Starring Redux: ???
Superb (+5): Weapons, Conviction
Great (+4): Endurance, Fists
Good (+3): Lore, Discipline
Fair (+2): Alertness, Athletics, Might
Average (+1): Notice, Rapport, Guns, Survival
Mortal Stunts
- Riposte (Weapons): On a successful defense with Weapons, you may sacrifice your next action to turn that defense into an immediate and automatically successful attack.
English (native)
Fate Points: 2
Stress And Armor
Physical: | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | (☐) | (☐) | |
Social: | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ||||
Mental: | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
Armor 3 (When wearing Immaculate Heart Protecting Mirror)
Mild: Moderate: Severe: Mild Mental:
Noteworthy Possessions
The Immaculate Heart Protecting Mirror of the Celestial Lion (IoP)
Description: You possess one of the two immaculate heart protecting mirrors of the Celestial Lion, forged in Shangri La to protect its guardians. Those allowed to wear the armor are called the Knights of the Celestial Lion.
Musts: You must have a destiny or calling to wear the armor, represented as a high concept or template.
Skills Affected: Might, Weapons, others.
Supernatural Sense. The Knights act to protect Shangri La from those that might attempt to destroy it. As such they can instinctively sense the presence of those that might seek to do them harm.
Inhuman Strength Toughness and Recovery. The Knights of the Celestial Lion are powerful warriors chosen to guard the celestial home of the enlightened. As such the heart protecting mirror grants them inhuman strength toughness and recovery to aid them in battle.
The Catch. The Immaculate Heart Protecting Mirror draws its strength from the Wu Xing element of Metal and as such the toughness and recovery granted to its wearer can be overcome by expressions of the element of fire.
It’s armor. The Immaculate Heart Protecting Mirror is steel armor designed to protect the chest sides and back from blades and arrows. There are only two sets of armor in existence. As armor, it grants the protection and other attributes of any armor designed to turn a sword. Armor:2 (YS202).
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power,the armor already includes the one-time discount (YS167). This means that if the character possesses more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If the immaculate heart protecting mirror of the celestial lion is the second or subsequent artifact the character gains, the refresh cost is –5.
Dao of the Four Guardians
Description: A single handed Chinese broadsword that can generate a 4 shift block 3 times per session. Its sheath is embossed with images of the white tiger, black tortise, vermillion bird, and azure dragon.
The Dao is still a sword and as such is Weapon: 2.
When the wielder performs an upward deflection he is able to call forth a single plane of Qi Energy to intercept an attack.
Type: Spirit Evocation Defensive Block
Duration: 1 Exchange
Effect: Blocks an incoming physical attack. If overcome it vanishes.
Cost: 4 slots (1 initial, +1 Str, +2 Uses)
Billy Quan is a large, well muscled Asian man, easily 6' 2” and 250 lbs. with close cropped black hair and gray eyes. Billy's back is covered in a large tattoo depicting the Chinese zodiac and the Four Guardians with a background demonstrating the Wu Xing elemental creation cycle. This motif continues down his arms with a dragon coiled down his left arm and a stylized phoenix on his right. Thanks to the Mark of Power left by the Foo Dogs when he was chosen as Knight, when viewed by the Sight or a similar power, Billy's aura grows from his shoulders and neck in the shape of a Temple Dog's Mane formed from flickering blue fire. When he is wearing the Immaculate Heart Protecting Mirror, this become even more pronounced and his own face is overlaid with that of a roaring lion.
Billy is an Asian-American kid that grew up in Philadelphia's Chinatown neighborhood with dreams of one day playing for the Flyers. He still remembers the parade when the broad street bullies won the cup. Of course his parents never wanted him to play hockey, pushing him into Kung Fu as a way to temper his more aggressive tendencies. Instead he brought his brawler mentality into his Martial Arts training, His strength and Speed easily allowing him to combine the two. Billy ran away from home at 17, heading for Canada and the junior hockey leagues.
Aspect: “Filbert Street Brawler”
Rising Conflict
A few years as an enforcer for several teams quickly gave Billy a reputation as a Guardian both on and off the ice. Around this time he met a Giant of a Man who called himself Kodiak. Kodiak began to teach Billy Kung Fu again, convincing him that the discipline it imparted would come in handy in his hockey career. It wasn't until a few years into his friendship with Kodiak that he found out what Kodiak did for a living. He stumbled into an alley one day to see Kodiak with a sword and armor staring down some sort of monster and forcing it back through a tear in reality. Soon after this Kodiak began training Billy as his protege and Replacement. Once billy had the Qi strength to cross into the never never Kodiak brought him before the Foo Dogs and named him Little Bear, External Guardian of Shangri La. The Foo accepted Billy and granted him his power and their blessing.
Aspect: You don't find Shangri La, Shangri La finds you"
First Adventure
Guardian in Exile Billy Spent ten years in Shangri La, training, fighting those that would attempt to destroy it, and eventually falling in love with his counterpart, Shangri La's Internal Guardian. The two were married and had a happy life until the White Court diplomat came to Shangri La for the grand festival. The vampire bastard came to trade for Temple Dogs to protect his holdings in Reno. Instead he seduced Billy's wife and convinced her to break her vow to Billy and to run away from Shangri La (a place she had been born and had never before left) WITHOUT retiring as the other Knight, breaking her vows to the Foo and counting on the white court's protection to do so. Heartbroken, Billy also left Shangri La, promising to return when called and to continue to protect Shangri La... Pro-actively. He returned to Philly where he ran into new friends and all new problems.
Aspect: Best Defense is a Fast Offense
Guest Starring
The Hand Your Dealt (Thomas MacNee)
Shortly after returning to the city Billy found himself helping a rather unlikely ally. Spoiling for a fight Billy found himself in a white court controlled bar sitting in on a poker game that was doubling as a meeting between the court and some gang or other. Personally Billy didn't care for either group, but the gang negotiator was cut an impressive figure. If Billy hadn't spent ten years as a Knight he probably would have found the man intimidating. Billy was there as a neutral arbiter, to make sure the mortals weren't getting ripped off. Apparently the gangster had gotten himself into a war with the red court, so it was in everyone's interest to shut them down... without the wizards getting involved. Philly belonged to its residents... not the almighty White Council, or its bloodsucking monster enemies.
Of course right when he thought this, the damn reds did show up, AND the damn white court cowards ran away as usual. So Billy through in with the Irish gangster and ran off the red hunting party.
Aspect: "Every Man my Brother."
Guest Starring Redux
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