Invictus Igni The Lord Captain's Log
The Lord-Captain’s Log
TO: Lord Inquisitor Gordon Flashmann
FROM: Interrogator Harlem Bilgeworthy
LOCATION: Hive Primaris, Ithaca IV
Thought for the day: “The reward of good service is greater responsibility."
Lord Inquisitor Flashmann, I have at your direction begun data-mining the cogitator-stacks recovered from Ithaca IV’s primary archive spire following the facility’s near-destruction at the hands of rioting mutants, recently put down by our efforts. The work has been especially fulfilling in the knowledge that I am gainfully employed while the rest of our cell is with you, prosecuting evil and heresy wherever it may surface in the galaxy, while I stare out the window of my rented office in an unnamed hab-block in some hive you’ve never heard of, and by doing so make amends for detonating the demolition-packs that brought down much of Ithaca IV’s primary archive spire and decimated the insurgent elements massing in the underhive beneath it, consequently saving your good self the effort of going down there.
Amidst the drudgery, one collection has proven most diverting, and I have taken the liberty of compiling it into the series of reports I will be sending you at regular intervals to relieve your boredom as you wait aboard the gun-cutter, while your cell of Throne Agents acts on your authority to curb the efforts of the Ruinous Powers on your behalf. The collection is of a series of log entries made by one Rogue Trader Giovanni da Solo, of the Ithacan da Solos, during his early travels aboard the Dynasty’s flagship, the HIMS Falco Millennes.
The good Lord-Captain da Solo apparently recorded his thoughts and the doings of himself and his crew with an adept’s eye for detail and accuracy, capturing many fascinating facets of life aboard a voidship. The journeys of said ship are nothing short of extraordinary, encompassing privateering actions against pirates, the exploration of unknown reaches of space, and many mortal struggles against the Enemies of Humanity. It is the hope of this humble Acolyte that these adventures will serve as something of an inspiration and a comfort to your good self.