Pavis Price List

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Pavis Price Lists


Item Poor Cheap Common Superior Rich Noble Royal
000000000000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Man's Leggings 4C 2L 3L 7L 17L 25L 40L
Man's Undertunic 4C 2L 3L 8L 25L 35L 40L
Man's Tunic 6C 3L 8L 15L 40L 85L 165L
Man's Cloak 1L 7L 15L 40L 125L 165L 250L
Woman's Undertunic 4C 2L 3L 8L 17L 35L 60L
Woman's Underskirt 4C 2L 3L 15L 25L 40L 85L
Woman's Tunic 6C 3L 8L 35L 65L 125L 200L
Woman's Cloak 1L 7L 15L 65L 125L 200L 290L
Sandals 4C 2L 3L 6L 13L 35L 80L
Slippers - - 30L 40L 50L 80L 165L
Work Boots 30L 45L 60L - - - -
Riding Boots - - 75L 145L 220L 290L 365L
Infantry Boots 45L 60L 75L - - - -
Belt/Girdle 4C 2L 3L 8L 25L 60L 125L


Riding Animals Cost
Bison 800L
Horse 300L
Llama 225L
Impala 45L
Sable 155L
Hybrid Zebra 330L
Cavalry Animals Cost
Horse 1500L
Impala 210L
Sable 760L
Hybrid Zebra 1650L
War Animals Cost
Bison, Untrained 13,350L
Bison, Untrained 26,700L
Herd Man, Untrained 225L
Herd Man, Trained 45L
Llama, Untrained 3,750L
Llama Trained 7,500L
Horse, Untrained 5,000L
Horse, Trained 10,000L
Rhino, Untrained 45,650L
Rhino, Trained 91,300L
Sable, Untrained 2,450L
Sable, Trained 4,900L
Zebra, Untrained 5,500L
Zebra, Trained 11,000L
Other Animals Cost
Bull 800L
Calf 37L
Chicken 4C
Cow 200L
Donkey 250L
Goose 8C
Horse, Draft 1500L
Lamb 7L
Mule 250L
Ox 825L
Sheep 60L


Camping Equipment Cost Enc Notes
Backpack, 10 Enc 6L 2.0 Backpacks Note:
Backpack, 20 Enc 15L 2.5 Total ENC = Backpack ENC + (Contents ENC/3)
Backpack, 30 Enc 30L 3.6
Canvas Backpack 150% 50%
Blanket, Lightweight 13L 1.0
Blanket, Heavyweight 26L 2.0
Sleeping Furs 65L 4.5
Woollen Sheet 50L 0.5
Linen Sheet 150L 0.5
Bucket, Canvas, 20litre 4L 1.5 Rolls or folds well
Bucket, Leather, 20litre 6L 1.5 Partially collapsible
Camp Bed, Cloth 12L 7.0
Straw Paliasse 1L 1.0
Sleeping Straw (weekly) 3C 2.0
Portable Wooden Bed 120L 18.0
Canteen, 0.5l (filled) 2L 0.5
Canteen, 1.0l (filled) 4L 1.0
Canteen, 2.0l (filled) 6L 2.0
Waterskin, 4.0l (filled) 6L 4.5
Waterskin, 20.0l (filled) 12L 23.0
Fishing Hook and Line 1L 0
Fishing Net, Large 30L 2.0
Fishing Net, Small 6L 0.5
Hammock, Canvas 20L 1.0
Lamp Oil, 1 litre 2L 1.0
Oil Lamp 4L 0.5
Oil Lantern 15L 1.5
Torch 5C 0.5
Sack, 5 Enc 2C 0.5 Sacks Note:
Sack, 10 Enc 4C 0.8 Total ENC = Sack ENC + (Contents ENC/2)
Sack, 20 Enc 6C 1.0
Canvas Sack 150% 50%
Tent, Canvas, 2-Man 20L 14.0
Tent, Canvas, 4-Man 40L 27.0
Tent, Canvas, 8-Man 75L 40.0
Leather Tent 50% 150% Much Stronger
Containers Cost Enc
50l Cask, Wooden 15L 4.5
100l Cask, Wooden 25L 11.0
200l. Cask, Wooden 40L 23.0
0.5l Pottery Jar 1L 0.5
2l Pottery Jar 4L 1.0
4l Pottery Jar 6L 2.0
20l Pottery Crock 17L 9.0
50l Wine Amphora 40L 16.0
0.5l Glass Jar 40L 0.5
1l Glass Jar 65L 0.5
2l Glass Jar 90L 1.0
4l Glass Jar 150L 2.0
25ml Glass Vial 30L 0.1
125ml Glass Vial 70L 0.2
25ml Tin Vial 12L 0.1
125ml Tin Vial 30L 0.2
Silver Vials 500%
25ml Pottery Vial 1L 0.1
125ml Pottery Vial 5L 0.2
Porcelain Vials 500%
20litre Wooden Bucket 1L 1.0
20litre Metal Bucket 12L 1.0

Le Chef Equipment Cost ENC

1l Pan 7L 1.0 2l Pan 11L 1.5 5l Pot 20L 11.0 25l Kettle 110L 11.0 50l Cauldron 240L 23.0 100l Cauldron 600L 55.0 200l Cauldron 1200L 110.0 Wooden Spoon 5C 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Bronze Knife or Spoon 4L 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Silver Knife or Spoon 25L 0.1 Gold Knife or Spoon 350L 0.1 Bronze Fork 5L 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Silver Fork 35L 0.1 Gold Fork 420L 0.1 Wooden Ladle 7C 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Bronze Ladle 5C 0.1 Silver Ladle 35L 0.1 Gold Ladle 720L 0.1 Wooden Platter or Bowl 6C 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Bronze Platter or Bowl 12L 0.1 Enamelled Platter/Bowl 12L 0.1 Silver Platter or Bowl 90L 0.2 Gold Platter or Bowl 1800L 0.2 Wooden Mug 6C 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Earthenware Mug 6C 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Bronze Mug 17L 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Porcelain Cup 30L 0.1 Silver Goblet 60L 0.1 Gold Goblet 1200L 0.1 Porcelain Goblet 60L 0.1 Bronze Salt Cellar 90L 0.5 Silver Salt Cellar 210L 0.5 Gold Salt Cellar 4200L 0.5 Drinking Horn 12L 0.1 Charged double if broken at an Inn Drinking Horn, Silvered 50L 0.1 Silver Alloy 50% Silver Cost Gold Alloy 30% Gold Cost

Household Goods Cost ENC

Rushlight (1 hr. x 3) 1C 0.1 Candle, Tallow (1 hr.) 2C 0.1 Candle, Wax (1 hr.) 4C 0.1 Candelabra, Wood 1L 0.2 3 spikes Candelabra, Bronze 12L 0.5 3 spikes Candelabra, Silverplate 120L 0.5 3 spikes Candelabra, Silver 270L 0.5 3 spikes Add'l Candle Spikes +30%ea +0.2 ea Wooden Stool 2L 2.0 Wooden Chair 4L 4.5 Wooden Bench (2-man) 4L 7.0 Wooden Bench (4-man) 6L 14.0 Wooden Table 12L 23.0 Good Bed 60L 45.0 Fine Bed 240L 70.0 Seat Cushion 9L 0.5 Fine Seat Cushion 30L 0.5 Small Metal Mirror 25L 0.5 Large Metal Mirror 105L 9.0 Soap, Plain 6L 0.1 Soap, Perfumed 25L 0.1 Brazier, Small Bronze 17L 1.0 Brazier, Tripod Bronze 180L 9.0 Charcoal (40 hrs.) 1L 4.5 Bed Hangings 60L 4.5 Fine Bed Hangings 240L 9.0

Tools Cost ENC

Adze 25L 1.0 Auger 25L 1.0 Auger Bits (5) 25L 0.5 Hatchet 10L 1.0 Wood Axe 15L 2.0 Chisel, Masonry 13L 0.5 Chisel, Wood 9L 0.5 Rock Drill 17L 2.5 Crowbar 4L 2.0 Crowbar, Heavy 8L 4.5 Hammer, Claw 10L 1.0 Wooden Mallet 7C 1.0 Grappling Hook 9L 0.5 Rope Ladder/3m 11L 2.0 Ladder/3m 20L 11.0 Spikes (10) 17L 0.5 Nails (100) 25L 0.5 Wedges (3) 5L 0.5 Glue, 1 pint 1L 0.5 Paint, 4l 13L 4.5 Padlock 35L 0.5 Pick Axe 45L 2.5 Pitchfork 20L 2.0 Plough Blade 65L 11.0 Pole, 2m 2L 1.5 Pulley, 1.5:1 (50 ENC) 10L 1.5 Pulley, 2:1 (50 ENC) 20L 2.0 Pulley, 3:1 (50 ENC) 45L 2.0 Pulley, 4:1 (50 ENC) 65L 2.5 Pulley, 5:1 (50 ENC) 110L 3.0 Per add'l 50 ENC lift 110% Chain/meter 55L 2.5 Hvy Chain/meter 155L 7.0 Rope, per 10m 2L 1.0 Scythe 10L 1.5 Shovel 20L 2.0 Sickle 13L 0.5 Light Anvil 65L 7.0 Med. Anvil 110L 11.0 Standard Anvil 220L 23.0 Small Bellows 30L 2.0 Large Bellows 65L 11.0 Cold Chisel 13L 1.0 Portable Forge 220L 45.0 Forge 660L 450.0 Smith's Hammer 13L 1.5 Small Tongs 9L 1.0 Large Tongs 17L 2.5 String, 25m 6C 0.2 Waxed 25m Cord 9L 1.0 Hourglass 310L 1.5 Not a standard measurement of time Ornate Sundial 440L 45.0 Not a standard measurement of time Pocket Sundial 45L 0.1 Not a standard measurement of time Sundial 175L 23.0 Not a standard measurement of time Water Clock 660L 23.0 Not a standard measurement of time Minuteglass 65L 0.1 Not a standard measurement of time Whetstone 2L 0.5 Wire, 25cm 15L 1.5 Wood Saw 20L 1.5 Level 20L 1.0 Square 4L 1.0

Vehicular Stuff Cost ENC

Draft Harness 12L 4.5 Horse Collar 20L 9.0 Ox Yoke 15L 14.0 Whip (2 m) 17L 2.0 Small Cart (250 ENC) 90L 45.0 Cart (500 ENC) 130L 90.0 Small Wagon (1000 ENC) 220L 135.0 Large Wagon (3000 ENC) 350L 180.0 Open Coach (2-horse) 440L 135.0 Closed Coach (2-horse) 590L 180.0 Open Coach (4-horse) 700L 360.0 Closed Coach (4-horse) 880L 455.0 2m Rowboat 90L 135.0 4m Longboat 310L 1100.0 5m Longboat 350L 2540.0 Collap. Leat. Boat 220L 45.0 Paddle 4L 1.0 Oar 9L 1.5 Mast and Sail 90L 45.0

Writing Materials Cost ENC

90cm x 100cm Paper 3C 0.1 90cm x 100cm Parchment 6C 0.1 90cm x 100cm Vellum 1L 0.1 Writing Tablet, Slate 2L 0.5 Quill Pen, Avg. 2C neg Quill Pen, Good 3C neg Brush (writing) 7C 0.1 Chalk, Stick 1C 0.1 Ink lamp; Pot 7C 0.1 Portable Desk 9L 4.5 Large Desk 45L 45.0 Seal 20L 0.1 Seal, Silver 90L 0.1 Seal, Gold 660L 0.1 Sealing Wax 4L 0.1 Sealing Ribbon 4L 0.1

Food and Drink

Beverages Serving Cask
Fresh Cider 1C 25L
Fermented Cider 2C 40L
Sour Wine 1C 16L
Poor Wine 2C 30L
Average Wine 4C 85L
Good Wine 6C 140L
Fine Wine 2L 270L
Vintage Wine 4L 390L
Mead 3C 155L
Piss Beer 1C 30L
Small Beer 3C 55L
Beer 4C 80L
Double Beer 4C 95L
Stout 8C 140L
Bitters 3C 55L
Brandy 4L 390L
Brandy, Fine 8L 780L

Home Away From Home Cost
Cheap Stew and Bread 2C
Good Stew and bread 6C
Good Meal 2L
Banquet 4L
Common Room 7C
Average Room 4L
Good Room 15L
Stable 6C
Grain/Feed 2L

Bread Cost Enc
White Loaf 3C 0.5
White Loaf 1L 1.5
Brown Loaf 1C 0.5
Brown Loaf 3C 1.5
Rye Loaf 1C 0.5
Rye Loaf 2C 1.5

Meat Cost Enc
Antelope Steak 3C 0.5
Other Antelope 2C 0.5
'Pork' Loin 2C 0.5
Other 'Pork' 2C 0.5
'Ham' 3C 0.5
'Bacon' 2C 0.5
Mutton 1C 0.5
Lamb 5C 0.5
Fish 1C 0.5
Chicken 1C 0.5
Goose 2C 0.5
Game Birds 2C 0.5
Tusker 1L 0.5

Dairy Cost Enc
Dozen Eggs 3C 0.5
Poor Cheese 1C 0.5
Good Cheese 3C 0.5
Fine Cheese 1L 0.5
Curds and Whey 1C 0.5
Litre Milk 1C 0.5
Litre Cream 8L 0.5
Unsalted Butter 2L 0.5
Salted Butter 5C 0.5

fruit and Vegetables Cost Enc
Apples 2C 0.5
Cherries 3C 0.5
Pears 2C 0.5
Plums 1C 0.5
Grapes 2C 0.5
Figs 1L 0.5
Dates 3C 0.5
Fresh Beans 1C 0.5
Fresh Peas 1C 0.5
Cabbage 1C 0.5
Beetroot* 1C 0.5
Carrots* 1C 0.5
Cucumbers 3C 0.5
Garlic* 2C 0.5
Onions* 1C 0.5
Turnips* 1C 0.5
  • These fruits and vegetables available year round, double cost in Storm Season, Sacred Time, and the first two weeks of Sea Season.

Preserved Foods Cost Enc
Dried Fruit 150% -
Candied Fruit 200% -
Dried Beans 1C 0.5
Dried Lentils 1C 0.5
Dried Peas 1C 0.5
Sauerkraut 1C 0.5
Salt Mockpork 3C 0.5
Salt Antelope 3C 0.5
Salt Fish 2C 0.5
Smoked Sausages 6C 0.5
Dried Fish 2C 0.5


  • Quality of Lodging:
    • Bad
      • Common room, benches / tables / floor for sleeping, no heat, no sanitary facilities, virulent vermin, filthy.
    • Poor
      • Common room, straw mats, benches / tables / floor for sleeping, fireplace (extra charge for fire), no sanitary facilities, lesser vermin.
    • Average
      • Common room and a dormitory room, fireplace in common room, rope cots and straw mattresses in dormitory room, outhouse, incidental vermin.
    • Good
      • Common room, dormitory room and 1 – 2 Private Rooms, fireplaces, stuffed cloth mattresses, outhouse, incidental vermin.
    • Better
      • Common room and separate small dining / sleeping rooms, down or cloth mattresses and blankets available, outhouse and chamber pots, attendant summonable, free of vermin and very clean.
    • Superb
      • Dining hall, separate individual parlours and night-chambers, down mattresses, satin sheets, down comforters, fireplaces and warming pans, outhouses and chamber pots, glass windows, attendants on call
Food / Lodging Bad Poor Average Good Better Superb
000000000000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Food & Lodging, Nightly 0.5C 1-2L 2-4L 4-6L 5-7L 25L+
Food & Lodging, Weekly 2-3L 5-10L 10-20L 20-36L 24-45L 8W+
Lodging, Nightly 0.25C 0.5-1L 2-3L 3-4L 4-5L 15L+
Lodging, Weekly 1-2L 3-8L 11-15L 15-20L 15-25L 90L+
Evening Meal 0.5C 1C 1L 2L 4L 10L+
Stabling Cost 1L 2L 3L 6L 8L 10L
Fodder and Water, Quantity None Limited Sufficient Sufficient Plentiful Plentiful
Fodder and Water, Quality N/A Poor Average Average Good Excellent
Animal Combed? No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hooves Cleaned? No No No Yes Yes Yes
Minor healing? No No No No Yes Yes
Tack Cleaning? No No No Yes Yes Yes
Tack Repaired? No No No No No Yes