WTNewWorldOrder:Player Characters:Rabbit's Sheet

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Robert "Rabbit" Maddox

Occupation: Artist
Loyalty: Self (2)
Passion: Finding secrets (5)
Body: 4
Coordination: 5
Sense: 5
Mind: 3
Charm: 4
Command: 3
Base will:7
Willpower: 23
Athletics: 4+1w, Endurance: 2, Dodge: 1, Lockpicking: 1, Stealth: 1+1w, Scrutiny: 1w, Security systems: 1+1w, Streetwise: 1, Navigation: 1, Lie: 1, Stability:1
Permissions: Super
Archetype: Human+
Source: Unknown
Improbable Luck: 2
A: Self, Augment, Willpower cost, Self only 
U: Self, Augment, Willpower cost, Self only
Uncanny Defense: 2h
D: Self, Interference, Permanent, If/Then (direct attack), Full power only, Always on
Bounces Back: 2h
D: Self, Permanent, Hardened defense, Armored defense, Always on