WTNewWorldOrder:Player Characters:Half-Life's Sheet

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Real Name: Guillaume "Gil" Berger, formerly known as L'Grenouille
Nationality: Belgian
Occupation: Career Criminal
Loyalty: Europe: 5
Passion: The finer things: 5
Source: Conduit
Permission: Power Theme Entropy
Body 3d
Coordination 3d
Sense 3d
Mind 3d
Charm 3d
Command 3d
Base Will: 10
Starting Willpower:10
Skills: Athletics 1d, Brawling 2d, Dodge 2hd, Driving (Car) 2d, Stealth 3d, Weapon (Pistol) 2d, Empathy 2d, Persuasion 3d, 
Scrutiny 2d, Knowledge (Police) 2d, Streetwise 3d, Security Systems 3d, Knowledge History 3d, Knowledge Quantum Physics 1d+2hd,
Lie 3d, Persuasion 2d, Intimidation 2d, Stability 2d
Induce Entropy (1d+1wd)
Useful: Mass Booster (+3), Permanent (+4), If/Then: Nonliving Matter Only (-1)
Entropic Field 
D: Self, Permanent (+4), Go first (+1)