Edge of the Rebellion/Palakwi Torr
Palakwi 'Liz' Torr - Social Slicer (Squidheadjax)
- Nickname: Liz (short for Lizard, the Basic translation of her given name)
- Rebel Holonet Personae (and context of use):
- Koyi Amersu (revealing Imperial military secrets, disrupting Imperial operations)
- Sinya Tarkona (darknet sites, data steals)
- Narra Racor (vandalizing Imperial holonet sites, disrupting industrial collaborators)
- Ann Tualin (ISB and COMPNOR counter-operations)
- ‘White Hat’ aliases:
- Dia Kairn (freelance tech support, open source advocate)
- Misti Roma (Holonet gamer, impersonating human, member of several gaming guilds with significant Imperial Military membership)
Liz is a pale green Twi'lek with a round face, a short, soft build, and a personality that starts out quiet but quickly revs up to chatty when given the opportunity. She's learned to charm and fast talk in equal measure to get out of trouble, can slip into and hide almost anywhere despite 'not being one of those dancing girls' and, of course, knows her way around computers and security systems.
Her devotion to the Rebellion comes first in her life, but her desire for everyone to know about it comes in a close second. She's eager to air as much of the Empire's dirty laundry as possible, which might lead her to take some risks beyond base mission parameters, but she knows to reign herself in for the sake of her comrades. Usually.
Her cell-mates typically wonder when exactly she sleeps, and she has a tendency to build 'nests' of computer equipment and cross-correlated walls-of-conspiracy in maintenance crawlspaces and unused cabins of any ship or base she's at.
The slicer grew up on the crime-ridden streets of Teth, under an Imperial government even more corrupt than usual thanks to the influence of the Hutts. She learned to stay out of the way of the dangerous thugs and criminals and disappear in the 'meat' world, but through thievery and determined self-education she carved out a refuge for herself in the Holonet. As her sources of information expanded, so did her awareness that it wasn't just her own home that was terrible under Imperial rule, and imagining joining the Rebellion gave her something to hold on to between risky 'net jobs from the various crime bosses of the planet. When she started noticing the local Imperial forces going into determined counterinsurgency mode, she followed their investigative trails to make contact with the inexperienced rebel cell first and keep them ahead of the stormtroopers.
Since then, Liz has been fanatically devoted to the Alliance, barely sleeping as she moves without stopping between trawling the Holonet for Imperial weaknesses and providing infiltration support for Rebel field operations. She maintains a wide and carefully-cultivated presence in galactic social media; though her various aliases and holo-casts only have a few followers as of yet, she dreams of becoming a voice (or rather, a chorus) for the Rebellion. And seeing the Empire collapse in flames. Either way, she wants to be somebody on the galactic stage, albeit somebody she can comfortably retreat from being when needed.
Brawn: 1 Agility: 2 Intellect: 3 (30) Cunning: 4 (70) Willpower: 2 Presence: 3 Charm 1 (Twi’lek) Computers 1 Cool 1 Deception 1 Skulduggery 1 Stealth 2 Duty: Political Support 5, Sabotage 5 Career: Spy (Slicer) Motivation: Quest (Freedom) Wound Threshold: 0/11 Strain Threshold: 0/13 Defense: 1 Soak: 1 Items: Climbing gear Comlink Scanner Goggles Backpack Utility Belt Hold-out blaster Slicer Kit Armor Clothes