Southerners are part of the Empire, ruled from the distant metropolis of Nessantico. The Governor of Sasserine is appointed, normally for a period of ten years, although a second decade is quite common, and a third is not unheard of.
There was a Human Kingdom in the valley once, but over a century ago Fair King Leric, last of his line, died without issue. Candlehall Palace, in Gelinat, lies empty, but despite a number of pretenders, the loose coalition of human nobles in the valley seem to have no interest in a new King. Most of them pay lip-service to the Elven Council.
Gelinat and Vleris are "Free Cities" ruled by Merchant Councils, and paying taxes to local nobility. Holy Tiral and the lands around it are part of the Shrial Patriarch's lands, and answer to no mortal authority.
Humans cultures mingle and swirl through the valley, but the following groupings are strong tendencies but not absolute rules.
The Sasserine are truly cosmopolitan, and ethnicities similar to Calishite, Mulan, and Turami are common. They often speak "Imperial", a distinct language from Gelini, better known in the valley as the Common Tongue.
The folk of Gelinat and Holy Tirol tend to resemble Chondathan and Tethyrian
The Vleri were once a northern tribe, long since settled down. The resemble Damarans. Northern barbarians often found in Vleris resemble Illuskans. The Vleri no longer speak northern tongues, but they have their own unique alphabet that can be difficult for non-Vleri to comprehend.