Pervinca Diggle
Pervinca Diggle
Most of the halflings living along the Sasserine River are rather ... rustic. Most of their cares are for their farms, their attention usually on their crops and animals. Of course, there are always exceptions. In a small village on a tributary of the Sasserine south of Vleris, that exception is Pervinca and her almost compulsive need to study most things she encounters. After exhausting the research potential of her little village - including a rather exhaustive series of books on agriculture, including a few songs of her own composition on the subject - she has begun to venture further afield for both new sources of research and for the money to continue her studies.
Str 10 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1) Int 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Background: Sage (Researcher) Trait: I speak slowly when talking to idiots, which almost everyone is compared to me Ideal: No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence Bond: Life's work is a series of tomes on a specific subject Flaw: Most people scream and run when they see a demon. Pervinca stops and takes notes on its anatomy.
Languages: Imperial, Halfling, Common, Dwarvish
Proficiencies: Weapons: Simple weapons, longswords, hand crossbow, rapier, shortsword Armour: Light Tools: Lute, lyre, flute Saves: Dex, Cha Skills: Performance, Investigation, Persuasion, Arcana, History
Equipment, class: Rapier, light armour, dagger, lyre, entertainer's pack Equipment, background: Ink, quill, knife, common clothes, 10 gp
Spells Cantrips: Light, Vicious Mockery Level 1 (2/day): Cure Wounds, Dissonant Whispers, Sleep, Speak With Animals
Trinket: 63. An alabaster mask
AC: 13 Hit Points: 9
Attack bonus: +4 Rapier damage: 1d8+2 Dagger damage: 1d4+2
Spell attack bonus: +4 Cure Wound healing: 1d8+2 Dissonant Whispers damage: 3d6 psychic, must immediately move away from caster. (Wis save, DC 12: Half damage, no forced reaction movement) Sleep: Puts 5d8 HP of creatures to sleep (no save) Vicious Mockery damage: 1d4 psychic + disadvantage on next attack roll (Wis save, DC 12)