Iwald of Mountain Hall

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Iwald, son of Hartnid (The Fosterling)
Culture: Woodman of Mountain Hal
Standard of Living: Frugal
Cultural blessing: Mountain Fighters (favoured Wits for Parry when fighting in the mountains)
Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Specialties: Beast-lore, Leechcraft, Enemy-lore (Orcs)
Distinctive features: Bold, Generous
Body: 3 Heart: 4 Wits: 7
Body (favoured): 6 Heart (favoured): 6 Wits (favoured): 8

-Common Skills-

Personality •
* Awe: 1
* Inspire: 1
* Persuade: 0
Movement •••
* Athletics: 2
* Travel: 2
* Stealth: 1
* Awareness: 2
* Insight: 1
* Search: 2
Survival ••
* Explore: 3
* Healing: 3
* Hunting: 2
Custom •
* Song: 1
* Courtesy: 1
* Riddle: 1
* Craft: 1
* Battle: 2
* Lore: 1

-Weapon Skills-

  • (Bows): 2
  • Dagger: 1
  • Long-hafted axe: 1



  • A Hunter's Resolve (once per day, spend 1 Hope to get 6 Endurance back)


  • Long-hafted axe damage: 5/7 edge: G injury: 18/20 enc: 3
  • Great bow damage: 7 edge: 10 injury: 16 enc: 3
  • Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
  • Leather corslet protection: 2d6 enc: 8
  • Belt quiver: 12 arrows
  • Carved horn (for music/Song)
Fatigue & Endurance
Endurance: 24 Starting Endurance: 24
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 14 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 14
Default Journey Role: Scout (Look-out?)
Hope & Shadow
Hope: 11 Starting Hope: 14
Temporary Shadow: 0 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0
Fellowship Focus:
Protection & Damage
Armour: 2d Headgear: 0
Parry: 7 (8 in mountains)
Damage: 5/7 (+3) Ranged: 7 (+3) (Great Bow)
Experience & Advancement
Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1
Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0
Fellowship: 5 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 0

Background That your father found you bundled, alone, under the outermost eaves of the Wolfswood, in the bitter years that came before the Battle of the Five Armies, did not prevent you from following him in becoming a bold and proficient hunter. Not many years passed before you towered over him in stature and skill with the great bow used by mountain shepherds and hunters. In darker times, this renown has sent you to accompany more than one goblin hunting party, and you have seen enough raids of Mountain Hall to know something of battle and the use of the Woodmen’s long-hafted axe. Still, you have not endured enough winters for your kin to call you ‘son of Hartnid’: when they address you at all, it is only ever as ‘the Fosterling’.

You are often seen, cloaked in wolf hides, with a quiver of arrows at your side and your great yew bow slung over your back, ranging far into the mountain paths, or down throughout the vales of the Gladden, in search of quarry, or protecting the mountain herds. You are no stranger to the woods that bore you, nor to the éafolk that tarry sometimes on the western side of the Anduin, but are still many nights to be found under the roof the Great House of your people, listening to their tales and songs. You hope one day they will sing of you—by another name.