Egil, Brythunian mercenary
Name: Egil
Description: Egil was a member of the Argossian Mercenaries when they were hired. At first things were like anyother assignment, chasing raiders and bandits. But then corruption started to permeate the company. As the corruption got worse Egil’s Code of Honor forced him to stand up to his superiors. This defiance did not sit well with his superiors and Egil was forced to leave the city before he was arrested and hanged. He has been trying to fight the injustices that have been done to the local population, but fighting by himself has not been too successfully. After hearing that the city of Betzkem was next in line for looting Egil went to help. Arriving too late he heard of a bunch of kids that escaped. Egil went to find them and help them as he could.
- Agility – d8
- Smarts – d6
- Spirit – d4
- Strength – d10
- Vigor – d6
- Climbing – d6
- Fighting – d10 (Brawl, Dagger, Spear, Halberd, Throwing Dagger, Sword, Throwing Axe, Axe)
- Lockpicking – d6
- Notice d8
- Survival – d8
- Taunt – d6
- Charisma: +0
- Pace: 6
- Parry: 7
- Toughness: 8 (+3 Armor)
- Brawny (+1 Toughness)
- Sweep (Attack everyone adjacent to me at -2)
- Command
- Enemy – Authorities (Minor)
- Wanted – (Minor)
- Code of Honor (Major)
Current - 15/20
Advancements - +1 die Agl, Brawny, Command
Reinforced Leather Suit, Pot Helm, Halberd, Sword, Hand Axe, Dagger, Back Pack, Bedroll, Waterskin (2), Flint and Steel, Lockpicks, 3 Torches, Trail Rations (1 wk), Whetstone, Tent