Boarding the Spacehulk Twilight (Investigations of Arbiter Haxtes)

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Mission Briefing

"The Spacehulk codenamed Twilight entered the Scintilla system on a collision course for the sector capital. This is an extremely unusual situation, and Battlefleet Calixis would have already begun destroying the spacehulk if not for direct Inquisitorial intervention. The Tricorn Palace intercepted a coded signal from the spacehulk matching the private codes of Daemonhunter Adorjin of the Ordos Malleus. The only concern was that Adorjin was lost six centuries ago. Daemonhunter Adorjin carried the legendary blade Luminous Reproach, and that alone is a relic worth recovering at all costs.

"Inquisitor Vraak is also sending a team in to investigate whether this is due to other factors.

"Board the hulk, investigate the signal, recover the Luminous Reproach, and escape. Further orders will be provided in a sealed belt-cask for opening once you board the spacehulk."

-Your Inquisitor

Mission Report

A place for Arbiter Haxtes to write up his mission report

Post-Mission Results

Arbiter Haxtes has proved himself both reliable and surprisingly survivable. With the assistance of a Battle Brother of the Deathwatch (who provided a modest report himself), the Arbiter made it through the spacehulk to the very core and found both the Luminous Reproach and the Daemonhunter Adorjin's copy of the Liber Daemonica (which the Ordo Malleus did not inform me was in Adjorin's possession). The Liber Daemonica has been returned to its rightful owners. Arbiter Haxtes has been made aware of how serious it is that he alone recovered the Luminous Reproach, and has been granted temporary custody of the blade. Inquisitorial resources will keep watch on the blade.

Disturbing evidence also surfaced that a Dark Eldar by the name of Akirvas (apparently allied with the Serrated Query) was leading the xenos raiders of the spacehulk in search of the Liber Daemonica. If I was not aware that it was onboard, then I am left to ponder how the Serrated Querry learned of it.

Inquisitor Vaarak's cell was eliminated to a man (personally confirmed by both Arbiter Haxtes and Brother-Sergeant Agamorr).