WFRP2e 2525 Zarina Wilkenier

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Zarina Wilkenier


WS BS S (SB) T (TB) Ag Int WP Fel W A M Mag FP IP
41 49 42 (4) 42 (4) 44 56 43 62 16 1 4 0 4 0


Common Knowledge (The Empire, Tilea) Int

Academic Knowledge (Magic, Necromancy, Science, Engineering) Int

Ride +10% Ag

Animal Care Int

Perception +20% Int

Gossip Fel

Charm +10% Fel

Search +10% Int

Trade (Gunsmith) Int

Read/Write +10% Int

Heal Int

Evaluate Int

Gamble Int

Haggle Int

Blather Fel

Slight of Hand Ag

Performer (Storyteller) Fel

Speak Language (Reikspiel, Classical, Tilean)


Strong Minded (Don't check for Insanity points until 8, don't gain any until 14)

Very Strong



Seasoned Traveler

Master Gunner

Specialist Weapon Group (Engineer)



Public Speaking


Mobilei In Motion, Perilous Beasts, Writing Kit, Leather Armour, Engineer's Kit, Spikes x6, Best Craftsmanship Clothing, Deck of Cards, 'The Duchess' Repeater Pistol, Pistol Paper cartridge x20, Hochland Long Rifle BC (On loan from Isolde), Rifle Paper cartridge x 10, Incendiary Grenade x3, Tinderbox, Nice Satchel, Hellsing, adorable wolpertinger

Gold Crown: 51 Silver Shilling: 15