Ytra the Verbose
- Ytra the Verbose: a woman of about twenty-five winters called Ytra the Verbose. She is accounted to be the bastard daughter of a witch and a roving nomad. She is dark-haired and of cruel deportment. She declares a willingness to fight if given arms, and begs leave to join the adventuring company; she claims that in a dream, she has seen the final fall of Bear Hollow.
- A heavy backpack. It appears to be stuffed with a variety of objects, some rectangular in shape, others short and cylindrical. She has on a new sash, from which depends a waterskin. 1 week iron rations. 3 flasks of oil.
- Two daggers. (20)
- Shortsword. (30)
- 2 Javelins (40)
- A book on herbs and hedge-witchery (75gp value), and a sprig of wolfsbane, fine linen bandages, a small sack.