The Enemy Without/Doktor Seltsam
Name: Doktor Seltsam
Class: Wizard
Race: Human
Battle Level: 1
Wounds: 12
Move: 4
Weapon Skill: 2
Ballistic Skill: 6+
Strength: 3
Toughness: 3
Initiative: 3
Attacks: 1
Willpower: 3
Pinning: 4+
Luck: 0
Power Pool: 5
Damage Dice: 1D6
Confuse (3) - target monster loses 1 attack.
Heal Wounds (4) - target warrior regains 1D6 wounds.
Lightning Bolt (4) - target monster takes 2D6 damage.
Sword - causes damage dice + Strength damage
Hand of Death Scroll - targeted monster takes 3D6 damage with no modifiers for armour. One use only.
Current Wounds, Luck etc.
Current Wounds: 12
Current Luck: 0
Power Pool: 5