Amroth 2.0

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Amroth Ol'Hir (Amroth, the Sleeping Lord) Last Heir to the House of Caran-Rhaw
Culture: High Elf - Vengeful Kin
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural Blessing: Against the Unseen. Perceive creatures that dwell in wraith-world. Also, automatically succeed on any fear tests forced upon them by undead creature.
Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Specialties: Elven Lore, Smith-Craft, Minstrelsy
Distinctive features: Swift, Vengeful
Body: 6 Heart: 3 Wits: 8
Body (favoured): 9 Heart (favoured): 5 Wits (favoured): 9

-Common Skills-

Personality •
* Awe: 3
* Inspire: 0
* Persuade: 0
Movement •
* Athletics: 2
* Travel: 3
* Stealth: 0
* Awareness: 2
* Insight: 0
* Search: 1+3
* Explore: 0
* Healing: 2
* Hunting: 0
* Song: 3
* Courtesy: 2
* Riddle: 0
* Craft: 2
* Battle: 3
* Lore: 3
-Weapon Skills-
  • (Spears): 3
  • Longsword: 1
  • Short Sword: 2
  • Bow: 1
  • Dagger: 1
  • Keen Spear (-1 to edge)
  • Fell Spear (+2 to injury rating)
  • Artificer of Caran-Rhaw (Evaluate Treasure, Enhance Weapons)
  • Might of the Firstborn (roll valor to negate enemy's special ability)
  • Olosil, Ashen [Spear] damage: 5 edge: 8 injury: 16 enc: 2
  • Elven [Dagger] damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
  • The Bulwark [Great Shield] of Caran-Rhaw parry: +3 enc: 5
  • Elven [Leather Corselet] armor: 2d enc: 8
  • Livery of Caran-Rhaw (a silver tunic emblazoned with a red lion)
  • Mantle of Beorn (a red cloak, stitiched with gold trim)
  • 3 Beryl Ring of Belegost
  • Lute
Fatigue & Endurance
Endurance: 4 Starting Endurance: 28 WEARY
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 15 Fatigue from Travel: 3 Total Fatigue: 18
Hope & Shadow
Hope: 8 Starting Hope: 10
Temporary Shadow: 8 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 8 MISERABLE
Protection & Damage
Armour: 2d Headgear: +0
Parry: 11 (8 without shield)
Damage: 6 Ranged: 6
Experience & Advancement
Wisdom: 3 Valour: 3
Experience: 0/26 Advancement: 0/42
Fellowship: 9 Treasure: 11 Standing: 0
Fellowship Focus: Bjarndor Sanctuaries: Home, Beorn's Hall, Woodland Hall

Experience/Advancement Audit 2.0