Severi the Silvertongued
A character in the Barrowmaze Labyrinth Lord Campaign.
- Severi the Silvertongue
- Neutral Elf 4
- XP: 20,001/32,501
- Backstory: Severi is a wandering elf of grim humor and wild disposition.
- STR 13 +1
- DEX 7 -1
- CON 10
- INT 13 +1
- WIS 14 +1
- CHA 17 +1/+2
- HP: 21
- AC: 4/4
- Attack: Sword, THAC0 16, 1d8+1 damage. Against humans or orcs, THAC0 15, 1d8+2 damage.
- Movement: 90/30
- Saves: Note +1 due to Wisdom
- Death Ray or Poison 10
- Magic Wands 11
- Paralysation or Petrification 11
- Dragon Breath 13
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 13
Racial Abilities
- Infravision 60'
- Immune to ghoul paralysis
- Find secret and hidden doors on 1-2 of D6 when actively searching
- Manhunter: +1 to hit and damage against men and orcs
- Common
- Faery
- Bestial
- Goblin
- +1 Int
- Backpack (8 lbs)
- 5 days rations, Waterskin, Bedroll, flint & steel, large sack, Spellbook in waterproof case, Scroll case
- Bandolier w/ 3 holy water flasks
- Silver Dagger (1 lb)
- Banded Mail + Shield (45 lbs)
- Scimitar (4 lbs)
- Belt Pouch
- Tentative Encumbrance: 58 pounds
- 1,570
Baldawin the Warhorse
- AC 7
- HD 3
- HP: 13/13
- MR: 120, with up to 400 pounds.
- Two hooves, 1d6/1d6
- Saddle, two saddlebags, 5 days of feed.
- Level 1:
- Charm Person X
- Read Magic
- Sleep X
- Magic Missile
- Protection from Evil
- Level 2:
- Invisibility X
- Mirror Image X
- Continual Light
- Locate Object